SHIT.I'VE MET ENOUGH IDIOTS TO LAST ME ALL WEEKthis is me. like it or leave it. i dont like to preach and i dont like propaganda...but these are the words i'll live by for the rest of my life. they are words that i hope every girl will appriciate and every guy will understand. if not... then get the fuck off my page. [first] of all, if you lie to yourself, then you are going to lie to me...same goes for respect, if you dont respect yourself, then you wont respect me. [second] of all, learn to forgive, but never forget... BUT if you dont learn from your mistakes, i will never forgive you. [third] of all, people are going to FUCK YOU OVER in life, revenge is fuckin rad... but being the better person is even more rewarding. [fourth] of all, always build your walls up higher for the next dumbass, never let them fuck you over again. [fifth] of all, cherish your family and true friends... they will be there till death...NOT YOUR HOT GIRL/BOYFRIEND. [sixth] of all, follow your own path, be yourself...society looks down on kids like me, but i love who i am...and all of those closed minded people are just making me stronger as a person. [seventh] of all, KARMA IS A BITCH. Scrollbox Code Generated At