FRienDs... There is not much to say but if you are not a close to me, then you don't know me. There have been many people in my life that have come and gone but the ones that have stuck it out are the ones that I cherish. I love the people that claim to know something about me and try to hate me. The more they hate, the more I laugh. Ha Ha hA! a feW SHOuT OutS arE ALWAys gOOd:tHIs gUrl IS My BeSt fRIENd AND mY sisteR...we hAVe BeEN tHROuGH SomE ROuGH SHIT tOGETHeR AND WE AlWays manAge to LaUgH It ofF lIKe it Is NOthing..shE tAUghT ME to HAVE Fun..anD i wOuLD dO anYTHING FOR HER..lOVe YA betYCH!eVERYONE KnOWS HOw TIgHT ME anD jO wERE iN SKOOL AND THE tHING Is.wE STILL arE tHAt tIGht..SHE has BEEN THERE to LIsteN to mE WheN i NEEdED HER AND i WIll Always BE tHEre FOr HER...anD i Have NO doUbT thAT OuR FriendsHip WiLL lAsT A lIFeTIme...Tracy and I have been friends for quite a long time now and we have been distant and we have been close and the friendship remains that same. She has always been someone I could go to just to vent and she is someone that I do respect. Without her, those difficult moments would have been worse and I am thankful to have a friend in her...There are people that come in your life and change you. Sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad. But when someone comes into your life and does whatever they can for you without asking anything in return, and continue to be there, that is something special. And that special person is MArc. And that is all that has to be said because the rest is well known...MoRE thE CoME!!!!!!!!!
I LOve EvaneSCEnce, BlUe OcTober, FlYLEaf, KoRn, 30 seconds to MArs, Stone Sour, 10 yrs, the Killers, Linkin Park, Garbage, BeYonCe etc...
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My grANdpA WAs the GreaTEsT man THAT I wiLL Ever kNow IN mY liFe..HE LoOked OUt For His faMIly and cONtinUEs to do SO eveN IN dEATh...I miSS him SO mUcH buT his DeATh has TaugHt ME SO mUch aBoUT mysElF...I wiLl ALWaYS LoVE HiM ANd i Know ThaT BEcaUse he is waTcHinG oveR me..I wiLL ALWAYS Be okAY..My GraNdmOTher JackiE wAS The ONe sUch A strong womAn who ALwaYS loOKed Out FOR eVeRYONE...ShE NEVER TUrNED ANyoNE AwAy AND tAUGht Me tO BE TOUGH yeT GENTLE eNOUGh TO helP those In Need...she dEserVed so MuCH more tHat SHE was giveN...but heaven IS lucKy tO Have heR..