dance parties, thai food, mint tea with honey, baby alpaca, being ridiculous, other people tying my shoes, trivia, making things awkward, triops, jajas, and explaining jokes.
Zach Galifianakis, John Cusack, Tom Waits, Jack White, Ben Folds, Duckie from Pretty in Pink, Tim Delaughter...
ROCK 'N ROLL!! Typically indie and alternative (i am so vague). I also have a deep appreciation for reggae and bluegrass.
Into the Wild, Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, The Darjeeling Limited, Little Miss Sunshine, Anchorman, Coffee and Cigarettes, Juno, Blow, Edward Scissorhands, Wristcutters, Pulp Fiction, Pride and Prejudice, Almost Famous, The Royal Tenebaums, Saving Silverman, and so on.
Television is becoming obsolete. I watch most of it online. The Office, Conan, Boy Meets World, The Soup, Flight of the Conchords, Rob and Big, etc.
My favorite book is One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
Jesus and EB.