As an aspiring Sound Engineer, I'm currently finishing up my technical degree in Sound Arts at MCTC. I find working with audio recording to be so satisfying that I couldn't think of doing anything else for a career.
Currently looking for a job, though most of my work experience is in customer service so all the job search websites keep wanting to throw me back into the retail pit that I'm trying to pull myself out of.
Other than that I'm the volunteer Audio Mastering Editor for Drinking With Ian, they give me the edited multi-track audio and I master it and mix it down for broadcast. I've been doing that for over a year and a half and don't plan on stopping anytime soon.
I spend most of my free time either on the interwebs, or spending time with my wife. We're both huge anime nerds, so that works well. We go Danish Folk Dancing every other Friday with my parents and our group at the Danish American Center. It's a lot of fun. I personally enjoy it more than even Swing dancing, because you don't have to be flashy or show off to have fun.
I have a number of strong ties to Denmark, actually. I spent my freshman year of high school over there with the rest of my family, as my father was lucky enough to get an overseas assignment through his then work to help Deutche Telecomm with their email security software. I then went back four years later after I graduated from High School to spend eight months at an art school, Engelsholm Kunsthøjskole, where I studied venetian glass-blowing, jewelry making, and pottery. I still have most of what I made; some of it didn't survive the shipping back across the Atlantic.