About Me
Debra Featherstone
♥ goodbyes are meant for lonely people standing in the rain
My name is Debra.
I live in Wolverhampton.
I live in a little villiage which used to be lovely and now its just a place where you'll get robbed and egged if you go out at night, nice place? of course.
Theres a brook going through it with lots of trees and big logs near it, it's actually pretty. Gets a bit muddy when it rains though :(
I have a blackberry. He's red. I used to have one called Cecile but he had to get replaced because his ball wouldn't work :(, now i have Walter. He's amazing, but he's no Cecile, and I smashed his face in when I was at Lizzi's one time. I didn't, someone else did, but no one will own up. He occasionally deletes my texts and wont let me on the internet, I dont like Walter. He's a rebel child.
I decided to re-do my profile at 1.30am because i looked at it and it was shit, it needed re-doing. To be honest, i dont know why i care, i shouldn't really, its only myspace, but i do, and im sure a lot of people care what their own looks like, so i'm not the only one :).
I love seeing Kill Hannah live. the experience and emotions you get from a Kill Hannah show are ones that you wouldnt find if you went to any other show. I get a bit stressed over those boys though.
Fancy a dance? My Passion then. I see them far too much, but seriously, see them live, you'll never go back.
I hate my profile pictures most of the time, they're never the first impression I want to make if I add someone. But they make me laugh, because most of the time pictures are filled with good memories. You dont take pictures of funerals do you? No, because its not something you want your head to go back to if you look at the picture. Pictures tell 1000 words, I truly believe that.
If you've read all that and still dont think i'm full of the biggest bunch of shit ever heard of, i love you.
by the way, i tried to write all that grammatically correct, so if any of it's wrong, tell me?
31st January - My Passion, InnerPartySystem @ Birmingham Academy 2
2nd February - My Passion, InnerPartySystem @ Leeds Cockpit
4th February - My Passion, InnerPartySystem @ Manchester Academy 3
7th February - Chiodos @ Birmingham Barfly
14th February - My Passion @ The Park, Peterborough
15th February - My Passion, Here's To Tragedy @ Vic Inn, Derby
27th February - My Passion, Kyra @ The Priory, Doncaster
15th March - My Passion, Synthetic Season @ Marr's Bar, Worcester
20th March - My Passion @ USBU, Luton
21st March - My Passion, Jeffree Star @ Crauford Arms, Milton Keynes
24th March - My Passion, Jeffree Star @ The Queen's Hotel, Weymouth
11th April - My Passion @ Railway Club, Watford
12th April - My Passion @ Seven, Nottingham
25th April - My Passion, None The Less @ Camden Crawl, London
26th April - None The Less, Kyoto Drive, Ride The Skyline @ Barfly, Birmingham
28th April - KILL HANNAH, Madina Lake @ Met Uni, Leeds
29th April - KILL HANNAH, Madina Lake @ Rock City, Nottingham
1st May - KILL HANNAH, Madina Lake @ Manchester Academy 2
4th May - KILL HANNAH, Madina Lake @ Corporation, Sheffield
5th May - KILL HANNAH, Madina Lake @ o2 Academy 2, Birmingham
8th May - KILL HANNAH, Madina Lake @ Electric Ballroom, London
22nd May - My Passion @ Hat Factory, Luton
25th May - My Passion @ The Vic Inn, Derby
7th June - My Passion @ Eddie's Rock Bar, Birmingham
18th June - My Passion @ Marr's Bar, Worcester
26th June - My Passion @ St. Michaels Church, Camden
I told you I see my passion too much.
yomyomyom. come see me then?