Art School Confidential profile picture

Art School Confidential

About Me

Im Dan, Im resposible for the unpleasant sound coming through your computer speakers right now. You may dislike it now, but if you listen long enough, you may start to hate me. But I'm okay with that. Im just a guy. Scratch that Im just a 19 year old boy. Maybe one day I'll grow up and get a real job, but then again this is just too much fucking fun. But I digress, Im just a man, there we go, a man, and Im a simple kind of man, something you love and understand(Yea I went there). But anyways, if you don't like my music, that's fine, and you can tell me just that. But if you cuss me out and try to degrade me, bad new for you, for my self-esteem couldnt be any lower. So the jokes on you when I hack your myspace and put naked pictures of a guy or girl(depending on your gender and sexuality) all over your myspace so people think your sexual orientation is the opposite of what you claim. "Can he really do that?" I know thats what you're thinking, and the answer is: maybe. If you're feeling brave then try me. Damn I have a short attention span, I keep rambling on about pointless things. But isn't that life? Just a series of pointless things. but anyways if you like my music, then I just feel bad for you, because you must be as fucked up in the head as I am. But let us embrace our insanity and delusional tendencies. Life is too short to worry about not looking crazy, I say, just convince them all you are from the get go, then you can spend your life worrying about other things. Like Grey's anatomy. Not really, I hate that show.------------------------------------------------

My Interests


Member Since: 22/03/2008
Band Members: mike does my leads at shows
Influences: my friends, a mild case of insomnia, pop tarts, sometimes girls, abstract morality, vulgarity, the lacking of the ability to express myself in a normal, healthy way.

Copy and paste this banner if you want

Or this one

Or this one

Or this one

Sounds Like: purple
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

This is myspace

Hello.My name is Dan. this is my myspace. this is myspace?yesThese are my friends.I also have haters.sometimes I hateand I also have loverssome are neutral though.and sometimes I get haters and lovers...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 22:57:00 GMT