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Mimmy Kitty Melody

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About Me

Its nice to be quiet. I've always enjoyed a happy quiet existence, but others always seem to think that there is something wrong with me. When did it become a crime to read a book and keep to yourself ?
While I try and live with a moto of: "To Each Their Own", it does drive me a bit bonkers that I seem to always end up knowing people that won't waste a second thought on their cheating or adultery. Its evern worse when you have to work with their unknowing other half. During these time I really feel as if my soul is being pinched.
I'm far from perfect and have more respect for people in open relationships. Everyone is on the same page, and there are no secrets to keep.

In how many words...ok really photos.. can I convay how very much I luv my dolls <3

Trick or Treat ! !

When girls can't share clothes !

For the love of Pink Faux Fur :O)

Pink eyes <3

Looking for that Pot of Gold !

Great Friends ;o)

Pinched Bratz outfits ;O)

Family Love :O)

The Best of Both Worlds :O)



I was not even going to see the film Twilight, but after I caught the trailer where Edward saved Bella from Tyler's van.. I've been hooked !

Everyone might hate me a tiny bit still, but I spent New Years Eve at the theater getting one last view of Twilight on the big screen.. with my cell OFF :O) 2008 was beyond crapy and I wanted no part of celebrating its end:Ox

FYI: I've received some questions about my dolls, and I just wanted to let everyone know for future ref that they are Pullip Dolls that are made by Jun Planning.

I bought most of my Pullip Dolls from a lovley shop in Singapore: Magma Heritage. Every order was always packed with care 110% and there was never a damaged doll or box, and I live in the US.

Anywho.. In one of my oders there was a lovely Pullip bag with Noir & Leprotto.. so I cut the bag up and framed them :O)

In the US there is another lovely online Pullip Doll shop:  Pullip Style.   Not only can you buy your dolls from their shop, you can join their site and chat with other collectors and share photos and other stuff.

So just google: Magma Heritage or Pullip Style if you would like some Pulllips of your own.

I was trying to kick a handbag addiction, and I ended up with a Pullip addiction, so be careful, because they add up fast, and even more so when you need to buy them a boyfriend.





79" was a very bad year for small children with mothers who could not turn down a free photo of their child. Thanks to Kodak and their new nifty photo paper that Fox Photo was pushing, I was forced into the arms of a CLOWN!

My sister was able to stand having 3 photos taken, but I only trusted him long enough for one. Don't get me wrong I liked Bozo and Krusty is funny, but its the Clowns like Bozo's sidekick Roy Brown (RIP)/ Sideshow Bob that seemed all bitter, and could not be trusted.

Even the Monster truck events in the 80s were not so much fun when the Clowns came out, and heaven forbid if they came into the corwd !

Lets not forget John Wayne Gacy, or the other traveling Circus Clowns out there with records. I'm sure that there are some nice Clowns out there but I'll be happy if they all stay far far far far far far far far far far away.


Fast Food is hard to pass up and even your average squirrel will go nuts over a French Fry. This is a Santa Cruz squirrel that I caught eating a Mickey D's fry that someone left on the ground.

cool myspace layouts


Sometimes life gets crazy like a bunny with a Yo-Yo.. just hope your string holds out.

.. ..My MSD: Yulia Belladonna

The evil little Monsieur Rasoir !  Sort of like the unwanted guest that won't go home.



Baaaaaaaa 2009 !

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The Story of Cinderella

Disney's Cinderella Jim Brickman & Wayne Brady: Beautiful

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Alice in Wonderland / Comments

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Someone trusting and kind like Fozzy Bear Mimmy Kitty

It would have to be James Earl Jones, and I would follow many other fools who have asked him to do the "Darth Vader Voice". When Star Wars was on HBO in the 80s his voice alone was enough to make me grip my stuffed baby seal.

I would luv to get a look at Lisa Kleypas notes on Derek Craven, and how she found his voice. Also I really luv the way she has picked people that would never fit your average romance ideal of the perfect hero or heroine.

Dreaming of You: Derek Craven had such a hard life that it was very heart warming that he was a self made man, and I just about cried my eyes out for him when he lost Lily. Yet he learned to read and cleaned up his speach. While not perfect... he is hard to forget.

Midnight Angel: Luke Stokehurst lost his hand trying to save his family, yet some people are put off because of this.

Prince of Dreams: Emma Stokehurst grew up without a mother, but was able to open her heart to her husband child. Nikolas Angelovsky had to leave Russia and it was nice seeing how Emma & Nikolas helped heal each other.

The Wallflowers books were well worth their wait ! Daisy Bowman, Matthew Swift, and the Goose was beyond funny. I can't wait for the spin offs from this series.

Christian Bale will always be one of my fave acotrs, because of Newsies. I'm now old enough to get over the kiss, and just enjoy the film.

While I have no idea about who he really is, I would luv to see him on the stage in a play or a musical. (I serioulsy doubt he would do another musical, but that would be nice)

Mariah Carey I would love to listen to her sing while playing her own piano. She is one of the few singers that I own all of her cds. I don't care what anyone says about her film: Glitter.. that cd was a gem ! (Sadly the cd/film was around 9/11 so it took me a few weeks before I thought about getting something to make me happy)

Also I would luv to get a look at her Hello Kitty collection !

Gerard Butler.. I could just listen to his voice all day. I would like to see him in a film that has a happy ending, where no one has to die.

Britney Spears at the VMA 2008 ! If she can sort her personal life in time to work on an act I would luv luv to watch.

Nice Hello Kitty necklace in the DS video !

Billy Wirth.. I loved his film: Children of the Dust and I'm sure he could have worked wonders for the audio book.

.. ..

To my almost daily hidden visitor.. OK GIVE IT UP ALREADY ! I know your visiting my MS page way too often to just be "keeping up with me". I hope you've been enjoying my blog or whatever it is that keeps bringing you back here. Why so sneaky ? If ya wanna know.. simply ask me.. I may or may not tell you. ha ha >^..^<    Then again it could be my own paranoia of my MS being found by someone I know. Either way don't bother trying to break my illusion of anonymity:O)

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My Blog

New Moon Soundtrack (Why Rob)

For the most I don't try and keep track of film soundtracks, but the rumor mill is working OT in who will make the New Moon ST.First there will be no tracks from Robert Pattinson, and now the Jonas Br...
Posted by on Mon, 25 May 2009 01:43:00 GMT

Can't sleep.. again

There is nothing worse than being sleepy, but unable to sleep So I'm watching the new Star Trek film, yet again
Posted by on Mon, 25 May 2009 01:32:00 GMT

MEN ARE CRAZY ! ! ! ! !

Mr.Cranky would not give so much as an inch in our relationship and after I had enough and called it quits.. now he wants to act all psycho after we ran into each other Friday night. I knew I should h...
Posted by on Sun, 24 May 2009 22:45:00 GMT

Starbucks Almond Toffee Bar no more :(

It seems that Starbucks has gotten rid of their Almond Toffee bar a few months ago. I recall there being a story on them getting rid of certain snacks, but I did not think they were crazy enough to ki...
Posted by on Sun, 24 May 2009 22:38:00 GMT

I Could Break Your Heart Any Day of the Week

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wecUGpTCJvA May 26th the new album goes on sale :)The new Star Trek film is so good, that I'm going OCD on the copy I have 
Posted by on Sun, 24 May 2009 03:09:00 GMT

Where did my simple life go ?

Ok I should have just gone with option A years ago, and just found a balnce to do the things that I wanted ta do .. I must be drunker than I thought, or out of mind to think that would be prison was b...
Posted by on Sun, 24 May 2009 03:03:00 GMT

Lookin Mental !

'm out trying to forget about everything and life has a way of just fucking me over.. only this time via text. I'd go into detail, but I'm posting using my cell phone.Update.. well last night was a to...
Posted by on Sun, 24 May 2009 02:10:00 GMT

The ex from HELL !

My weekend has already been killed by the joys of PMS and all of that other good stuff.. so I passed up on drinking with coworkers.. (a really long story)  and opt to go out and drink.. only to get ev...
Posted by on Sat, 23 May 2009 03:14:00 GMT

Eyes Like Yours

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkCdu6lK5xY :O)
Posted by on Fri, 22 May 2009 13:05:00 GMT

I would love to "CLICK" forward to Monday !

My Midol is not working yet and I would give just about anything to pull a "Click" and ff to Monday and get this over with already ! It's crazy how everyone wants to do something when your suffering t...
Posted by on Fri, 22 May 2009 12:44:00 GMT