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If you are open to an alternative to our present economic system I would like to make contact with you. I request that you consider the 21st. century survival concepts posted in this profile. Your comments and suggestions are welcomed... ..
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Add to My Profile | More VideosOriginally the ability to read was the liberating factor around which people built their private lives. Solitary reading permitted the development of a new kind of spirituality which today is known as the New Age Movement. Now, with the growth of the digital age, the question is who will own the digital domain? History indicates a clear pattern of the struggle for control over communications beginning with early efforts of the church and state to license the printing and distribution of books. This conflict gave rise to the First Amendment and continues this century with the controversy over free FM radio, community access cable TV, Internet file sharing and the criminalization of alternative lifestyles. Today the tyrant rules not by club or fist, McLuhan writes in The Mechanical Bride, but, disguised as a market researcher, he shepherds his flocks in the ways of utility and comfort (the new man). Some even say that our thought processes are being programmed for direct computer interfacing. This is the central challenge of mankind, a form of spiritual warfare wherein the battle revolves over the nature of being and what you do after reading these words.