About Me
In case you didn't know, which you should, my name is Brandi and I'm a music education major at Winthrop University. I play trombone and play around on the piano. Okay, so that we are on the right page - anyone who did not know that information: you are not my friend, and I do not want to be friends with you. If you try to add me, I will say no because I do not want you on my friends' list. Okay now that when have an understanding, read on:
So here are some things you may not know. I grew up in Bamberg, SC. If you don't know where that is... go to the SC visitor's center and get a map. Like I said I'm a musician on most days. I really think my drive to become a good musician and my want for it out rules my talent. But that's okay. The world is full of talented people without desire. I am a really bad speller. I really want a puppy. Now I want a English Bulldog. They are extremely cute, fat and lazy lapdogs.
I like guys with green eyes, dark hair, and alot taller than me... but I've already found him so there is no more looking for me. I wish I were a morning person but I'm really not. I volunteer myself for everything and especially like to be in charge of things in some way. This is because I find most incapable of being the perfect leader. (including myself) "A real leader faces the music, even when he doesn't like the tune." (unknown) I will not ask anyone to do anything I won't do unless it concerns the following: bugs of any type and food. I don't like it when people don't just suck it up and do what needs to be done. I expect too much out of people. I believe there is too much pride in this world. We must show pride in ourselves but not in a way to degrade others. I do not agree with what I know of Darwin's theory. Or at least I do not think that it applies to humans. Since we are capable of helping others I believe it is our responsiblity to help those who are not strong enough to help themselves. Maybe I misunderstand Darwin and just need to study his theory more indepth. I think the student who does not get an assignment done on time is lazy. There are no excuses. I am too stubborn and I feel that I am always right, this is not always a bad thing. Peer pressure does not work on me. I will not do anything I do not want to do. I have very high moral expectations for others, most of the time they are not met. What is more important is that I meet these expectations but I know I'm not perfect and that is why I do not expect perfection out of anyone else. If you talk to me for half an hour, I will contradict myself on half of what I said. But only half and only when it comes to other people. Oh and I love you.
Just a few quotes for fun -
Some days you get up and put the horn to your chops and it sounds pretty good and you win. Some days you try and nothing works and the horn wins. This goes on and on and then you die and the horn wins.
-Dizzy Gillespie
It was like noticing the sun. You couldn't help but see it, to turn to face the heat of it, to bask in the glory of it. But often when the sun is high in the sky, the moon is up there, too. A dim memory of what she will be in the night, but there, nonetheless, dim and misty, hard and white. At night, there is only the moon, the sun is nowhere to be seen. There are no distractions when the moon rules the sky.
We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dream. Wandering by lone sea breakers, and sitting by desolate streams. World losers and world forsakers, for whom the pale moon gleams. Yet we are the movers and the shakers of the world forever it seems.
-Arthur O'Shaunessey
The only freedoms we really appreciate are those which cast others into an equivalent state of servitude. There is not a man alive who thanks his lucky stars for the privilege of being able to breathe freely. ... And, what is more, we know how an all-consuming passion for freedom in the world never fails to lead to conflicts and wars which are no less consuming. Add to this the fact that, since the slave, according to at least one dialectic, is in turn destined to become the master, then we would doubtless be wrong to precipitate the natural order of events. Finally, let it be said that to surrender oneself to the will of others (as often happens with lovers and mystics) and so find oneself at last rid of selfish pleasures, interests, and personal complexes, is in no wise a joyless act, nor one lacking in grandeur.
-Jean Paulhan
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