Gray Halo profile picture

Gray Halo

About Me

Gray Halo is a solo project of guitarist/singer songwriter Curtis Cates who played in Zionisty. Now Curtis is playing with a local band know as With These Hands.Curtis has played in many bands since starting to play guitar at the age of 13. Playing with many genre's of music such as country punk metal and, college jazz band. The 80's metal being Curtis's primary subject has turned into to love of many different styles of music, but keeping the sound of solid rock in his music.Gray Halo is Curtis's answer to many changes in life as well as music. Now at the age of 27 Curtis has recently been asked to record his first solo album at Candyspitful Records and, is now on the road to success.I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests


Member Since: 21/03/2008
Band Members: ME MYSELF AND I
Influences: where do i begin Megadeth Iron Maiden Type o Negitive yes Metallica White and Rob Zombie Ozzy Randy and Zakk The oldies but goodies Buddy Holly Jerry Lee Lewis /Red hot Chilli Peppers/and all the top 40 hit bands since GOD know when even the type of music you don't think i'll like there are so many great artist and bands all over the world to many to lists thanks to all how can i forget gnr and Carcass ..

Sounds Like: Megadeth Godsmack Creed Guns n Roses Metallica BLACK LABLE SOCIETY
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

The Office

the new thing ive been doing lately is watching The Office so i bought a few seasons and got caught up i cant seem to get enough of it it is just an awesome show; and the other show im watching is Gho...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 07:33:00 GMT

Myspace Games

Hey guys a lot of people have asked me to join them on a lot of the myspace games but if you wonder why i never say yes to any of them i really dont have the time for them but i do thank you for askin...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 04:58:00 GMT

Catch and Release

bass fishing is my life other than playing guitar  the total peace of the outdoors  the smell the feel the taste of copehagen after you have made a few cast you feel a tick tick... the line ...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 10:10:00 GMT


The meaning of GRAY HALO well it's me some people have called me an angel even though it feels good to have someone call you that or see you that way it puts me in my spot; because i know im far from ...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 22:32:00 GMT


I cant say anything bad about the new hit movie cloverfield.  The writers and directors producers and actors are phenomenal. You have this great action movie that has you on the edge of your seat...
Posted by on Fri, 16 May 2008 10:12:00 GMT

Stealing music

I hate to see people stealing music, ecspecially bands they don't seem to get that there in the business to make money and record sells is one way you go about making money the more we do it the less ...
Posted by on Thu, 15 May 2008 14:18:00 GMT

moments in life

Some say live for the moments that you will always remenber Well I like to think back on the moments that I was in when I was living laughing and loved These are the moments that get me to next one a...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 11:20:00 GMT