At the turn of the current millennium, David RenterÃa and Benigno González decided to bring forth a symposium from which was meant to be spewed the most honest and creative enterprise five very dear friends could conjure. After years of ins, outs, ups, and downs, and life's general tendency to slip the rug from under our feet here and there, something materialized which in the waning years of one enterprise would give life to the next...
And so, we humbly bring you theElephant Parallax. We invite everyone to open their minds and come enjoy art for art's sake.par·al·lax /ˈpærəˌlæks/ Pronunciation[par-uh-laks] –noun
a. the apparent displacement of an observed object due to a change in the position of the observer.
b. Astronomy. the apparent angular displacement of a celestial body due to its being observed from the surface instead of from the center of the earth (diurnal parallax or geocentric parallax) or due to its being observed from the earth instead of from the sun (annual parallax or heliocentric parallax).
c. the difference between the view of an object as seen through the picture-taking lens of a camera and the view as seen through a separate viewfinder.
d. an apparent change in the position of cross hairs as viewed through a telescope, when the focusing is imperfect.