Friday: Missed the round table discussion, not only with the Russ Martin Show, but also with the rest of the Live 105FM radio personalities due to the fact that I attended MayFest at Southwest instead. I thought I would stay at MayFest because it ended at 7pm then would head over to Sneeky Peets (or however you spell it) afterward. However, as I got on I35 I realized I didnt know where exactly it was. I was glad to see people from Central Ticketing that I had not see in a long time though.Saturday: Forbidden Kingdom was pretty decent. It had elements that I have not seen in a movie in a long time. In fact it brought me back to the mid 90's. Not the movie itself but those shots of the ancient Asian, make-believe scenery and temples. Very nice. One of the main characters of the movie, the teenager who goes back in time, looks alot like Shia LaBeouf. I even thought it was him for a second.
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