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Don't Hate Me Because You Ain't Me

About Me

"Basically Im complicated have a hard time taking, the easy way, I wouldn’t call it schizophrenia, But Ill be a least two people today. Its deep how people can be so shallow. And Im afraid cause I have no fear And I didnt believe in magic until--until I watched her disappear. I wish she was here. I see that everybody is somebody but nobody wants to be themselves and if I ever wanted to understand me Id have to talk someone else but every little bit helps It feels like the surreal life, but its still nice wish I can live twice and I still might if these wounds heal right I see a little light even though its still night."
Stellar Cloud
I may be insane to think so far, but what is the mind but a machine of thought, what is the world, but a perception defined by senses of the mind. What is society but a construction of human works, thought of in the consciences of men. I need not fear pain or loss, because neither are solid, but flimsy, delusive by there very nature. Set in motion only by are own acceptance and without it, they are all but empty. Death being the only thing that stands to be without chose or choosing
I'm a graduate in humanities History and Political Science with concentration in International Relations and Conflict Legal Resolution from a small liberal arts college in North East GA. I start at Georgetown Univesity (D.C.) in 2008. I'm working on my writing skills so feel free to comment on grammar. I work for Maryland Dept of Natural Resources's Maryland Conservation Corps as a Project Specialist i'm getting paid to be in Nature and develop things. Also i ride a 70 mph ATV around on the beach and eat Creamciles I'm also a Type 2 Volunteer Wildlife Fighter--what do you do at work?
I have awesome friends (i like to call them Diamonds "Diamonds are forever") whom i love to death
"I'm here to free speech but still i won't preach!"~~my bro Asheru
I don't like haters, if you don't know me, never hung with me, and talk shit about me get a new hobby, i feel bad for you. I mean i know i am a big deal but come on!

My Interests

GOLF, Soccer, UGA SPORTS international relations, nature (mostly the rocky Mountains and the Chesapeake Bay water) politics, history, Wildlife Fire Fighting, Driving Luxury Cars, Showers, Vegetables

I'd like to meet:

ON MySpace: Political scientists, activist, humanitarians, campaigners, advocates, volunteers, athletes; Intellectually, rational opinionated, environmentalist...peoplefamous person folk Fredrick Douglas, Moses, Gandhi, Malcolm X, Che Angela Davis, Bill Clinton, Oprah, that Latino Dog Whisper guy, Jeffery Sachs, and David Copeland...but Sachs over Copeland, Malcolm Graham, RFK jr. and Al Gore again.
In a Bar or ClubJessica Alba...i'd be like "yo whats up Honey you got some mad moves!" and she be like "yea i know baby" and that be that!
You have been marked on my profile map!


At the Drive In/Mars Volta/Sparta, 311, Thursday, MetallicA, Self, Julieta Venegas, Utada Hikaru, Jay-z, Dr. Dre, Common, Kenye West, Joshua Bell, Yo-Yo Ma, Vanessa Mae, In ATL 88.5 or 90.1 in D.C. 88.5/89.1 and 92.7~i don't listen to mainstream radio and not cause i wantta be lame and like "oh radio SUCKS!" but because i'm F-ing tired about hearing how some rapper Bonked some hoe at a club, or got geek-ed and stoned or some whiny emo kid crying about his lost cat.....we need some positive music on our air waves esp some positive BLACK music so little urban kids don't have to think selling drugs and fuckin hoes is the only thing they can do in their life....a little talent would be nice too


American Psycho, Syrina, Batman Begins, Crash, Good Night and Good Luck, Motorcycle Diaries, Blood Diamonds, Thank you for Smoking, Grandma's Boy, Dirty Pretty Things, Sound of Music, The Original Willie Wonka, Wedding Crashers, Zoolander, Anchorman,


I like radio, NPR is the SHIT!
Lou Dobbs when hes taken his medication
Family Guy
Walker Texas Ranger
King Of The Hill
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
CNN: Headline
any Law & Order
Rachel Ray Anything
Travel Channel


A million little pieces big book,Montgomery's Children, The Informers, Divinci Code, The World Is Flat, The Tipping Point, How to change the World, anything R. Dahl, Brett Easton Ellis or Dante..I mostly read magazines Harpers, Foreign Affairs, Time, Explorer, Golf, and the Economist


My Mother, My Family, Fallen Soldiers, officers and firefighters, Fredrick Douglas, MLKjr., Robert Kennedy, Robert Kennedy Jr.BATMAN

My Blog

One of the Pains of Growing Up

During the three months of summer break between my 6th and 7th grade year I grew 5ive inches. That summer I was also a frequent visitor of my pediatrician Dr. Solomon. My growth spurt left my body wea...
Posted by Natural Born Lawyer on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 09:35:00 PST

What Happened To Customer Service

I am currently on hold with Airtran Airways, 32 minutes, wait, 33 minutes and counting. This is the fourth time, no no fifth  time i've called the Atlanta based company for help. I've only receiv...
Posted by Natural Born Lawyer on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 10:48:00 PST


I've been extremely busy these last couple of months. Also I live in the middle of no where which is nice, but it does have its down sides such as a weak satellite T.V. signal, and no internet at the ...
Posted by Natural Born Lawyer on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 08:17:00 PST

My First First Date

  This is really lame to verbalize, but tonight, i had my first first date!! I know that is kind of confusing but bare with me. Every date i've gone on before this one i've know the person prior ...
Posted by Natural Born Lawyer on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 10:41:00 PST

Its My First Birth Day

Today, November 14th 2006, marks my one year sobriety date. My nose and brain finally have a break from the four years of abuse I put them thru. I look back and try to center on how I lived such a det...
Posted by Natural Born Lawyer on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 03:44:00 PST

Where do you keep YOUR Hot Sauce?

You know the saying, "its wrong to assume, it makes an ass out of you and me." I called someone out this week-end for prejudging, I immediately realized I should have bitten my tongue-I am second bigg...
Posted by Natural Born Lawyer on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 03:38:00 PST

A sigh of relief felt across the world

Last week President Bush  swore that US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld  would "stay the course" til the end of his term(2008).Today Senor Rumsfeld FUCKING QUIT! (Resigning early does = QU...
Posted by Natural Born Lawyer on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 02:37:00 PST

I have to say it was a good day (2006 National Oyster Festival)

I knew it would be around 1 a.m. Gwinuwine "Jeans" comes booming over my phone, a mutual drunk call from a missed friend that lead to an awesome two hour conversation. Woke straight up at 9:30 as if I...
Posted by Natural Born Lawyer on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 04:34:00 PST

Directions to my House

Fly into D.C. National Airport, take the Belfway (the "285" of D.C.) south and meet up with Route 5...keep going. You'll pass St. Mary's College on your left, ½ a mile later take the right...Rosecroft...
Posted by Natural Born Lawyer on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 10:58:00 PST


Sundays always puzzle me.  Should i rest today or should i get what little is left of my last day off? Anita told me something interesting last week-end: "the problem isn't you; the problem is y...
Posted by Natural Born Lawyer on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 12:46:00 PST