GOLF, Soccer, UGA SPORTS international relations, nature (mostly the rocky Mountains and the Chesapeake Bay water) politics, history, Wildlife Fire Fighting, Driving Luxury Cars, Showers, Vegetables
ON MySpace: Political scientists, activist, humanitarians, campaigners, advocates, volunteers, athletes; Intellectually, rational opinionated, environmentalist...peoplefamous person folk Fredrick Douglas, Moses, Gandhi, Malcolm X, Che Angela Davis, Bill Clinton, Oprah, that Latino Dog Whisper guy, Jeffery Sachs, and David Copeland...but Sachs over Copeland, Malcolm Graham, RFK jr. and Al Gore again.
In a Bar or ClubJessica Alba...i'd be like "yo whats up Honey you got some mad moves!" and she be like "yea i know baby" and that be that!
You have been marked on my profile map!
At the Drive In/Mars Volta/Sparta, 311, Thursday, MetallicA, Self, Julieta Venegas, Utada Hikaru, Jay-z, Dr. Dre, Common, Kenye West, Joshua Bell, Yo-Yo Ma, Vanessa Mae, In ATL 88.5 or 90.1 in D.C. 88.5/89.1 and 92.7~i don't listen to mainstream radio and not cause i wantta be lame and like "oh radio SUCKS!" but because i'm F-ing tired about hearing how some rapper Bonked some hoe at a club, or got geek-ed and stoned or some whiny emo kid crying about his lost cat.....we need some positive music on our air waves esp some positive BLACK music so little urban kids don't have to think selling drugs and fuckin hoes is the only thing they can do in their life....a little talent would be nice too
American Psycho, Syrina, Batman Begins, Crash, Good Night and Good Luck, Motorcycle Diaries, Blood Diamonds, Thank you for Smoking, Grandma's Boy, Dirty Pretty Things, Sound of Music, The Original Willie Wonka, Wedding Crashers, Zoolander, Anchorman,
I like radio, NPR is the SHIT!
Lou Dobbs when hes taken his medication
Family Guy
Walker Texas Ranger
King Of The Hill
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
CNN: Headline
any Law & Order
Rachel Ray Anything
Travel Channel
A million little pieces big book,Montgomery's Children, The Informers, Divinci Code, The World Is Flat, The Tipping Point, How to change the World, anything R. Dahl, Brett Easton Ellis or Dante..I mostly read magazines Harpers, Foreign Affairs, Time, Explorer, Golf, and the Economist
My Mother, My Family, Fallen Soldiers, officers and firefighters, Fredrick Douglas, MLKjr., Robert Kennedy, Robert Kennedy Jr.BATMAN