I Live In Lincoln
If I know you and like you, i'll be one of the most
friendliest people you'll know.
If i don't know you or don't like you,
I'll probably come off a tad anti sociable,
miserable, mardy, evil looking, what ever
word suits your liking.
Then there's the bad side that never normally
comes out, just hope it never does.
If you put on a face to get into someone's life,
then I'll probably hate you. I despise fakes.
A person once said there are no types of people
or races, except humanity.
To be fair, that's a load of horse.
Let's face it, we're all part of a different culture.
I'm a metal head, Nice to make your acquaintance.
I'm Studying BTEC National Diploma In Music Practice at Lincoln College
I'm a guitarist, i own a Jackson JS30
Rhoads in Black with Gold Pinstripes and
an ESP LTD F-50 in Black Cherry.
I live for music, i listen to it everyday and
everyday it inspires me, Black Metal,
Death Metal,Thrash Metal, Power Metal,
Heavy Metal, any kind of metal. Hard Rock,
Classic Rock, I Love too many forms of music.
I sometimes, no, i always wish i could change
things in the world, too many things fuck me
off to often and i'm sick to fucking death of it.
Want more? [email protected]
MyGen Profile GeneratorMourning Palace
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One Of The Greatest Songs ever made.
This is Abi
She's so Beautiful,Awesome,Kind,Sweet
She's MY Clone
She makes me happy when im sad
She can get me out of a major mood so easily
She has Beautiful eyes
She makes me laugh by being herself
She lets me draw on her wall =]
I Love the way she laughs and squeeks where she's really happy
She makes the sweetest of noises
She's got an incredible body, even if she denies it
I'm so lucky to have her
She's probably the reason why i'm still here
She means the world EVERYTHING to me
I'm so completely,deeply, eternally in love with her
She's all MINE!
She's My Best friend
There is no purer a person in mind and soul that i could ever meet
She's My Better Half
We are stupidly alike, almost everyday we say the same thing at the same time, normally more than once
She's shown me how to be truely happy
She's shown me True love
Everything i just wrote is nothing compared to how i really feel, she's just infinately better than the meaning of the words.
:>>Battered, i actually cant remember this being taken. But i still love it.
3. Man has the right to think what he will: to speak what he will: to write what he will: to draw, paint, carve, etch, mould, build as he will: to dress as he will.
Take some time to think about that, it makes perfect sense.