Patshiva en concert en l'église St-Boniface, juin 2008
Patshiv&rsquo is the Romany word for feast and celebration that occur whenever two or more kumpaniyi (groups)
join up and meet while traveling these celebrations.
They are done as a reminder of, and to ensure long lasting Friendships.
Patshiva is in this musics and dances the sing improvisated by someone to welcome the other...
Those dances and songs honors the traveling Roma who were unafraid to bring their culture with them... And to share it...///
"Célébrations en l'honneurs de certains hôtes, la plupart des gitans du monde
passent leur temps à aller de Patshiv en patshiv,
les Roms les considèrent comme des jours d'une grande liesse,
alors que les fêtes des gadjés, Noël, Pâques, et la Toussaint, ne signifient rien pour eux,..."
"The Patshiva asks if you will join her at a table," he said to the two men.
He gestured at a low table, towards which, blindfold or not,
she was walking with as much confidence as she had previously walked across the room.
"She says..." and his tone suggested he did not entirely comprehend the message,
"that she believes you can help one another in your quests."
“The Patshiva?†Raoul repeated and glanced toward the retreating figure.
He was surprised at the comment and turned a questioning look to Atticus then the bartender.
“So, who or what is a Patshiva?
I think I would like to know before joining her. I'm an off-worlder
and it would be easy to show discourtesy when I mean none.â€
Atticus chuckled, and looked at Raoul.
"She is of the Patshiva caste," Atticus said.
"The Patshiva caste consist of Scholars, Mages and Healers."
"Salaam," he said. "I'm Atticus Kaeldtin."
"Salaam," the Patshiva replied.
Patshiva! Sing for the Four Elements, Free your spirit! Free your Soul! Let your Primal Fire unfold!
Round the fire voices take us higher to the flame within our very souls
In our beating hearts where the Fire starts there's a story that the flames foretold
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