Video games!!! lots and lots of them. My favorit: Zelda. no doubt. also among the best is contra. I will beat it without the code someday. i also like metroid prime, and prince of persia games.
Nice people. the ones who don't kill you very often. Cause, like, the ones who enjoy murdering, their not very much fun, now are they precious??
I love almost all music. Todd Agnew is one of my favorites. Relient K is awesome. I like classic music- especially Beetoven's 9th symphony, 4th part. And gregorian chant. Beth has gotten me into broadway- I love the Music of the Night. Rock. classic, hard, punk, i don't care. and anything from a classic video game.
Lord of the rings, Interview with the vampire, spaceballs.
ADULT SWIM. yeah, i love it. Comedy, anime... great stuff!!! My love for anime has grown. Inuyasha is the man, He needs to hurry up and kiss kagome!! He knows he wants to. I've found a few more. Evangelion is good, as well as appleseed. that one was a movie. Trigun was awesome- Vash is the ultimate gunslinger. Kenshin will always be my favorite. He is a master samurai, but has sworn never to kill again. He carries a sakabato(reverse blade sword[dull end where it should cut]) so that he can kick people's butts without killing them when they try to harm innocent people.
Confederacy of Dunces, Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, Wuthering heights, and a whole lot more. i love reading!!!
Kenshin Himura, Vash the Stampede, Strongbad, Meatwad, Peter Griffin, Lion-O, Frodo, Link, and El Cabong,
my spider i named after my old roommate and good buddy.
adopt your own virtual pet!