~*Shyrrel N Justin*~ profile picture

~*Shyrrel N Justin*~

BaBy HuGs N kIsSeS

About Me

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Hey everyone its Shyrrel I'm 21 years old..I like to have fun and I dont care what anyone else has to say. the most important thing is to be yourself and enjoy every minute..I hate fake people..I love being around happy energy..I love my friends.. I enjoy long walks on the beach.lol...Family is everything I dont know where i would be without them..I have a beautiful sista Kel she is my girl!!And my brother Chunky butt..I have the best job in the world being a mommy and a wife and working at the hospital(some days its a good thing)..i started school finally for nursing....I have a beautiful baby boy who is the center of my world..i have a lil girl on the way(ARIANNA JADE)..i'm just lucky to be blessed with beautiful healthy babies...and I have a wonderful husband..I don't know where or what I would be if it wasnt for him..if you would like to know anything else just ask.. Tell the people you love them even if your mad. Forgive everyone for there childish mistakes we are all human.. Cherish everyday that you wake up you never know what the future may hold...
Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com.. Pumpkin picking pooped my man out! love layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Interests

I have the two best men in my life..i couldnt be happier..the key to life is to enjoy it and everything happens for a reason so take it and love it and know that there is always more to come..Justin i dont know where i would be without you..You are the best..You will forever be my ant poop :) I'm soo happy i got to marry my best friend..Its the best feeling in the world to wake up and u to still be there my bestest bud..a href="http://graphics.freeweblayouts.net" target="_blank"
Layouts at HotFreeLayouts.com

I'd like to meet:

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Gilly this song is for you! I LOVE AND MISS YOU WITH ALL MY HEART! AND THATS WEAR YOUR GONNA STAY! ♥♥WE WILL BE TOGETHER AGAIN SOME DAY!♥ Jess there arent enough words to say what you meant to me, god we did everything together. you were the best friend everyone wanted and you were everyone's friend which was the best part. You touched so many lives and no one will ever be able to forget you. We had soo many good times and I cant wait to see you again some day. I wish you were here to meet Austin I show him pictures of us and tell him how crazy we were. I miss you and I love you.

Gilly this was all of us on your birthday visiting you at Ortley beach..You definatly still have the same sense of humor..Melanie definatly got soaked that was great we love you happy 21st birthday..Miss you more than anything..


My Grandma and I.. I love her soo much which she would move back here to be close to me again..She is the most amazing woman..

My daddy and me...He is the best dad he picked up the slack where someone else was slacking and took me under his wing and showed me how to fly..I'm soo lucky to have him in my life and know what a family is really suppose to be like...I love you soo much dad..

I'm soo happy to be part of this family..family is everything..I love you all!!this is 4 my



My mother is my hero she is an incredible woman..She has been through the worst and made it the best..She had me when she was 16 raised me as a single mother and met an amazing man my daddy and had 2 more beautiful children..She did such an amazing job raising us workin 2 jobs..She is the best of the best..I hope i am half the mother to austin that she was to me..I love you mom..Kel my sister I just want you to know that u can be whatever you want to be just put all you have into it..and remember no girl is comfortable with there body so to make them feel better they talk you down and tell you that ur fat..you could be a twig and that is still the first thing they will say..YOUR BEAUTIFUL THE WAY YOU ARE NEVER EVER CHANGE FOR ANYONE...I LOVE YOU!!