Red of the Dead profile picture

Red of the Dead

Sometimes change can save your life.

About Me

All I have is my dog. Chicago metal bands, metal guys (good ones)... I dig that. I have decided not to attend graduate school due to the fact that I am too upfront to be helpful to the masses, and my recent burst back into the show jumping scene. I have been so lucky to be employed and showing under a top trainer and look forward to continuing the constant rush and actually being happy doing what I do best. I modelled under a national agency most of my life, and love working with bands. I like tattoos & piercings, my own and those of others. It's always interesting to see what people choose to represent themsleves on their skin. I need to get out of the mold of needing constant reinforcement from others to affirm my beauty- a model trait I suppose. My family is furious about school- and I think i'm black balled from the family, but I am happy with my decision and feel honored to be one of the best and have students that look forward to seeing me. The fact that so many kids, adults, or whoever I happen to be training, meeting, signing for or fans, etc. look up to me means more then they can ever know. Everytime I feel incapabable, down, or otherwise- this knowledge gets me through the day. Julia (if you are on this site GET OFF- you are too young), thank you for your constant excitement and smiling face.

My Interests

Movies,Music, my industry, my career, jumpers,tats, sexy peircings, other interesting people, people from all genres of music that can appreciate the classical- as I am a classically trained violinist for the past 18 years. And of course...SEX... everybody likes lotsa sex. More sex, and sex.

I'd like to meet:

hunter/jumper industry folks- need a trainer? -someone stimulating, I am intelligent and bore easily - someone with something pertinent to say - someone who has a relatively positive outlook on life that is contagious, a contagious smiling face; I don't smile enough, makes me look mean- grrrrr! - a companion who is sympathetic, but who will also be upfront enough to tell me (in a nice way) when I need to get a handle on my shit. - someone to answer my sometimes ridiculous questions - into good music, I love the local scene and love going to shows. -Mr. Right- but isnt everybody? - I am not religious, but due to events in my life and the basis of my education; The only belief I have is hope. Hope for those who die defending themselves or their country, hope for those who die alone, and extreme hope for all the children who have died of tragedy- and true hope for anyone who died at the hands of evil. I don't necessarily weigh heaven or hell; but I hope the good/tragic have somewhere to reach peace, and that the evil have somewhere to reach biblical justice (eye for an eye). - someone who is willing to take things as they come and see what develops. Despite my choice to say "dating,serious relationships, etc"; I am looking to get to know some people who maybe i've met, but with whom I have not had a chance to truly know. I come in with no expectation except mutual respect, what happens after that is what may. - someone who likes to write, because I like to read. - damn you musicians!! i'll never escape... - someone who will make my life easier, take care of me; give me shelter and PLEASE relieve some stress. i will literally die if i worry any more.


Summers End, You're So Cool, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Flaw, Rob Zombie, Ozzy, Sabbath, Disturbed,HIM, NIN, Strapping Young Lad, Sevendust, Gwar,about a million others I can't and don't have time to remember to include and... gotta show love for my gorgeous boys in the local bands... Love Ya Marazene, Circus Dawn, The Waiting Game, Amy and the Arcade, and yet again so many more. Old love songs.. I can be a total sucker..


What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Horror Movies, Blow, Manic, Willard, V for Vendetta (everyone should see this... hopefully you are intelligent enough to realize its impact and importance), Madhouse, The Devil's Rejects, House of 1000 Corpses, Fight Club, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Kinsey, King Kong, Unleashed, Four Brothers, Batman Begins, The Producers, Cheesy Stuff on Svengoolie with Sven Surround...


Watch way too much of this... Family Guy, Simpsons, Nickelodeon, King of the Hill, VH1, Law and Order SVU, Law and Order, Nip/Tuck, CSI... pretty much anything if I'm bored. I am ADDICTED to Cartoon Network- being out of school has apparently made me very easily amused. Criminal Minds,Hell's Kitchen, the history channel-mostly things related to WWII in regards of Dr. Mengele and other Nazi experimentors, discovery channel, the First 48, A&E in general. Anything involving morbidity or forensic science...


My Antonia, White Oleander, The Family, Biographies, Ratman's Notebook, Hot Blood; The Time Traveller's Wife; The DaVinci Code; Before You Know Kindness; Freud's Anatomy of Dreams; Pavlov's Classic Conditioning and Extinction; The Psychologists Guide to Medical Intervention; Unconventional and Conventional Therapies for the New Youth Movement; American Gay; And the Band Played On; Kinsey's Human Sexuality; Master's and Johnson's The Male and Female Sexual Response, and an unquenchable affinity for sex articles in Cosmo (this is beneath me, I know), The Devil's Handbook (Malifus Malificarum), Doctors from Hell...and many others. I am quite a scholar...fluent in reading latin...


Iris Moore, Maynard James Keenan- for providing lyrical hope during times in which it felt like none existed "I choose to live"- simple, but powerful; anyone stuck away from their family due the recent war or illness; people who get through a day's jackassery with a smile; and last but certainly not least ~ Kris - my trainer who has given me renewed confidence and skills, and who doesn't think twice about handing me my ass on a platter and working me to the bone... And as I recently found out, Emily- thank you for being an anal s.o.b and schooling my ass. Every pro needs to be knocked down six notches periodically to get better! My students- you mean the world to me; Hannah- cuz i've watched her grow up to be wonderful.. Also, all of you I've known and/or dated who have taught me alot about myself, whether it be positive or negative. Personal growth and expansion can never hurt the young.

My Blog

Im just so tired...

Hmmm...where to begin... Well, im tired. Flat out. I work too much, and no matter how much sleep I get- its never enough. Im too tired and depressed to go out..I can barely take a goddamn shower. I li...
Posted by The Angel From Your Nightmare... on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 12:23:00 PST

I've fucking had it with this. ENOUGH.

If you have something to say about me..say it to me. Loved ones are getting emails..I get calls from numbers I don't know. STOP HARASSING ME AND MINE.  If you have a fucking ca...
Posted by The Angel From Your Nightmare... on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 08:47:00 PST

Post Mortem Thank You's

In the recent death of a dear friend, I recieved all personal affects and a very hauntingly touching letter written on his guitar. After giving all I could to him and all of those that I have loved wi...
Posted by The Angel From Your Nightmare... on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 02:46:00 PST

ATTENTION numerous very complimentary men:

Here it is- so it's clear and I don't have to continue answering this question: 1) NO- I do not have AIM, nor do I want it 2) NO- I do not have yahoo IM, despite having a yahoo email address; onc...
Posted by The Angel From Your Nightmare... on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 08:08:00 PST

WARNING: All women and children.

Warning: The following sex offender has been released from prison. He is a rapist and pedophile and considered to be highly dangerous and aggressive. He is formerly from Antioch, IL and will likely be...
Posted by The Angel From Your Nightmare... on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 02:03:00 PST