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the criswells

About Me

The Criswells was born in him year 2001 in New York,Carlos guitar and voice,Juan bathery and German bass (the 3 originating ones Argentine belonging to Buenos Aires),months after practices in New York they manage to install a room of practices in a basement in Dover New Jersey,soon after they record his first cd "A.D.90" in Spike Recording Studios in New York,engraving for Matt Chiaravalle (producer of KITTIE first cd),from now on they begin to have shows in places from that moment like: Brownies,Luna Lounge,Arlenes Grocery,Mercuri Lounge,Continental NYC,Acme Underground,and you vary shows in CBGB,also they had shows in another states,they split shows with bands as CALLA,CIBO MATTO y FUGAZI.The name of the band is in homenage to a mediocre prophet of the years 50 (you predicted among other things than in the year 1990 in the ground a gas would have afrodiziaco instead of oxygen and that women would dedicate themselves completely to the men for the streets ),inmortalized in films like ED WOOD.Spanish version:the criswells nace en el 2001 en new york ,carlos guitarra y voz ,juan bateria y german bajo(los 3 originarios de monte grande,buenos aires argentina),despues de meses de ensayo en new york,consiguen intalar una sala de ensayos en dover new jersey en un sotano,al poco tiempo graban su primer cd "A.D.90" en spike recording studios NY, grabado por matt chiaravalle (productor del primer cd de KITTIE ) de ahi en mas empezaron tocar en lugares como Brownies ,Luna lounge,Arlenes grocery,Mercury lounge.continental NYC, Acme Underground y varios shows en CBGB todos estos lugares en New York,tambien tocamos en new jersey y otros estados,comparten fechas con bandas como,Calla,Cibo matto y fugaziEl nombre de la banda es en homenaje a un mediocre profeta de los años 50(predijo entre otras cosas que en el año 1990 la tiera tendria un gas afrodiziaco en lugar de oxigeno y que las mujeres se entregarian a los hombres por la calle)inmortalizado en peliculas como ed wood}Dentro de poco estara disponible el cd de the criswells en Argentina.
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Member Since: 21/03/2008
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