I was born in France, in a cold a pale night of november, 1984. I had a happy childhood with my parents and my only sister (younger than me), in the north of France.
I began to play the piano when I was 4 and a half, because my parents, wanted me to play it. I didn't want anymore, but I didn't have choice... It has been so hard at the beginning, because my teacher was strict, it was difficult.... But thanks to him, I succeeded, being the first younger girl in my region to play piano in concert. (Thank you Mr Korelis.)
Piano became a passion when I was older... But I kept on thinking that I prefer to sing lyrical songs.
When I was 18, I wrote my first song with my keyboard. When I listen to it now, It's so funny... But as ever, full of emotion. At the same time, I discovered lyrical metal groups. It was like a revelation. Hearing different lead voices from their groups, I decided to sing lyrical too: It was time to learn.
Since this time, I try to improve my voice and my music every days. Most of you could say I'm a novice... Sure I am ^^ I didn't take lessons to sing lyrical songs! But I sing with my heart.
After several disconnectedly bad plans (vocal backings on an album in 2006, vocal lead and keyboard for Lust Inc in 2007), new projects was born for some months. I met a marvellous music teacher, who is a fantastic guitarist too. He pushed me to work, again and again. Thanks to him, I'm working on my first album (We are recording it for one month.).
The next... Later. Only one word to close this presentation: Thank you Elentir...
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