Liam profile picture



About Me

i am insaine. i live on a small island with my loyal baboon servant tobias or toby as i like to address him. he serves me as a butlor and occasionally makes me cups of tea, however he also helps me with island security which includes flying over and patrolling the island with his packpack mounted one man helicopters. part of my security team includes chuck norris, mr t, bruce lee and van dam. but they just train on my island.i keep carefully seleted and extremenly fit women on my island. they live like queens, however, i occasionally like to take off my clothes and hunt them in my jungle to the tune of toby playing my congo drum on top my mountain. there are a few select females that are exempt from this activity.all my friends are welcome on the island whenever they want as long as they bring cool gifts. its hot, sunny, white sand, really blue water and full of palms. i cant disclose this location over the net as interpol may pay me a visit.if you are interested in coming, correspond with me. yours the bouffentThis profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor

My Interests

this is where i work and what i do on my island. (with an exceptionally talented group of scientists - Prof Gregor, Kaiser Malkin, Doctor M. Dean, Leutenant Brenan and Agent Joyce.
The Cushe website

I'd like to meet:

sean paul on my island alone so i could put him in my ceramic pit and shoot him with my banana cannon while i record the sounds he makes and make my own sound track.


home made music and odd sounds, like people kicking eachother and trying to keep quiet.