i'm dorrit, and i'm eighteen.
i live in south west london, which i love, though i love the sea and will get in it at any point i can, and the coast and beaches.
i'm far too ready to apologise for who i am, and much as i'd like to say it wouldn't bother me if you don't accept me, if i did i'd probably be lying. i'd like to be universally 'acceptable' and for people to enjoy my company, and i don't really think there's anything wrong with that.. i just like people. but equally i enjoy my own company.
i have beautiful, talented and immensely funny friends whom i love a lot, a lovely boyfriend and a family that i can't complain about. in fact they're pretty good.
i'm an international baccalaureate student, but i'm not overly dedicated to it and i wish i was. i like other languages, and hearing people speak in them even when i can't pick out a single word. i also love accents.
i'm suddenly realising what i can do with my life and the opportunities i have, and am in the process of deciding which way i'm going to take it. don't you worry, i'll pick something goooood.
i adore things from my childhood because i've never really grown up.
i spend a lot of time in cybercandy in covent garden. i hope soon to progress to the new realms of joy of the one in brighton.
i spend too much time on ebay buying things i don't really need but that i think will make me happy, which justifies the purchase as far as i'm concerned.
i'm an apostrophe pedant.
i prefer facebook to myspace.
i dislike it that i've been reduced to the myspace about me bullet point type list.
i firmly believe that morgan freeman actually is god.
i have little self-discipline, i exercise minimally and i don't get stressed very easily. i don't sleep as much as i should, at least during term time, but when i do i like it a lot. i love laughing, and i love it when people laugh with me. i'm not vain, but i don't mind the way i look.
i also make killer plasticine animals.
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I'd like to meet:
geologists. they make the bedrock.
My Blog
I'm not drunk.... you are!
Haha. Daisy.Oh deary deary.You were a tad wasted weren't you my love?And Anni too drunk to stand!Good shit, guys.So yeah. We went to the Filthy's band night last night... Kaiten Pilot (as per usual) w... Posted by Dor. on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 05:45:00 PST