Stoked Mentoring is an action sports mentoring organization with the mission of developing ,,Successful Teens with Opportunity, Knowledge, Experience and Determination" through action sports, mentoring, and coaching. Bringing together ,,at-risk,, youth and successful professional adults to learn a new non-traditional sport, Stoked,,s programs serve as the groundwork and means for enhancing mentoring relationships and introduces coaching skills and tools that elicit the best from both parties.Stoked Mentoring is a unique organization that develops innovative programs exposing ,,at risk,, youth and their mentors to action sports as a means to develop and foster resiliency, determination and success. Responsible for developing the curriculum for each mentoring program/ season, Stoked will recruit and train program mentors and teachers/coaches, hand-match mentor and mentee, manage the mentoring relationship for optimal results and oversee follow up post-season. The current programs are targeted towards teens 13 - 17 years old.Each multi-week, seasonal program matches youth and mentor, both of whom are beginners at the sport. The learning process serves as the groundwork and means for enhancing the mentoring relationship. Action sports are difficult and demanding; by learning with a fellow novice, the process becomes easier and less daunting. The mentor/mentee pair has the opportunity to see each other's courage, fears, strengths, and weaknesses as they learn the sport together. As each improves, the pair will motivate each other and share the experience of joy and excitement as they grow and advance within each sport. Stoked turns what is essentially an individual activity into a shared experience between a caring adult and young person in need.