♥ThiS bOoK iS [FINALLY] FiNisHeD♥ profile picture

♥ThiS bOoK iS [FINALLY] FiNisHeD♥

♥ AnD I wOuLdN't ReCoMmEnD iT tO [AnYoNe]♥

About Me

U think [YOU] know...So [YOU] tell me???

My Interests

I'm NOW [MORE] mature so the things that I was once interested in, [NO] longER have my InTeReSt!

I'd like to meet:

I ?guess? I'm suppose to name a "[CeLeBriTy]"???


I like ALL [types] of MuSiC


There okay to watch from time to time...


?Why? watch tv when it doesn't do anything but [fUck]up your thinking process?


Thats where I get my [knowledge] from! NOW that's [POWER]


Whats the definition of a "hero"? U mean someone like "Superman"?

My Blog

Just STOP and think....

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that  wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probablymore than once and it's harder every time. You'l...
Posted by ♥ThiS bOoK iS [FINALLY] FiNisHeD♥ on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 05:13:00 PST