Ok, well firstly I have a big heart, fun-loving outlook and my very own witty slant on life. I love many many cool people that I know. I'm mad on music and like to mix music with Cider = GOOD! I like to avoid walking on lines or cracks in the street - sometimes I do not do this, which means I can be unpredictable on occasions.When I was younger I ran into an aeroplane (didn't see it) and threw a chicken knife at my mum, I also threw a china cup at my sisters head but it missed. In year 10 of high school I was present for 67% of class. I now work in local government. I like motorbikes, mountain biking, blowing sh*t up and filling gaps in the wall with my mastik gun to stop spiders from getting me.I like to dare myself with real challenges, though I do not always conquer my fears, i usually give anything a go. Things I plan to do are get up front and personal with a great white, kill drew barrymore and snowboard across Taiwan. With any luck I shall visit some, if not all of the following places before 2015: China, Peru, Chili, Japan, Australia, America, Ecuador, Iceland, Easter Island, New Zealand.24
I have a chronic fear of Drew Barrymore and Joss Stone, i do not know why.My ambitions are to tour and rock the world in my band SPOT with the best, and most mental people i know.I mixed my profile with BEER AND PIZZA!!