Ragtime MF has been sent here to destroy you. Yes you: lame, weak-assed piano owners who can't do anything with their left hand but scratch their balls with it. Useless, semi-competent hacks playing your weepy little emo tunes in C. You all need to be humbled. You all need to be shown how it's done. School is IN, motherfuckers! Dig the rules:
Ragtime MF does not take requests.
Do not look Ragtime MF directly in the eyes.
Do not taunt Ragtime MF.
Ragtime MF is the ultimate, all others are, at best, penultimate.
Do not speak to Ragtime MF unless spoken to.
If Ragtime MF wishes to speak to you, he will send his minions.
Ragtime MF does not accept add requests from pussies.
Thank you.