My Name's Dane Beesley, I live in Deane (Just outside of Bolton which is in Greater Manchester) with a couple of friends.
I'm currently Studying A level Physics, Business and Sociology at Bury college.
I like listening to music and watching films.
This about me doesn't give much away, and it shouldn't. People that write long rambeling "About me"'s in which they divluge lots of pointless information about themselves often ends with them looking like immature, illiterate inbreads.I endevour not to look like that.I don't like Immature, illiterate inbreads.I also don't like pednatic assholes who'll no doubt pick me up on my bad spelling/gramar/punctuation. I don't care for such people, demeaning other people doesn't make you a better person, it doesn't get you any respect and it sure as hell doesn't win you any friends.I Want someone to buy/read/understand/share with me "Learning To Love You More" more than anything in the world right now. But i can only think of two people that I could do it with, but they wouldn't want to anyway.[/fin]