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I am here to inform people that with one little act of kindness YOU can have an impact in the environment! Please pass along my site
to inform your friends and family about issues going on in the world. Find peace and happiness and put an end to suffering. I am using this space to inform people of things that are going on in this world that we should all be aware of. Some topics might be hard to grasp. Others may be easier to understand. All will have important information one must understand to put an end to human suffering. Some of the information will scare you, some will make your life make more sence. The answers are all around us. We just need to open our eyes and our minds and let the truth be known.
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The Save Japan Dolphins Coalition is Earth Island Institute, Elsa Nature Conservancy of Japan, Animal Welfare Institute and In Defense of Animals.
In the Japanese fishing village of Taiji, fishermen are rounding up and slaughtering hundreds and even thousands of dolphins right now.
After driving pods of dolphins into shallow coves, the fishermen kill the dolphins, slashing their throats with knives or stabbing them with spears. Thrashing about, the dolphins take as long as six minutes to die. The water turns red with their blood and the air fills with their screams.
This brutal massacre — the largest scale dolphin kill in the world — goes on for six months of every year. Even more shocking, the captive dolphin industry is an accomplice to the kill.
Taiji – the Killing Zone
Between October 1st - December 13th 2004 the fishermen of Taiji reported the capture 609 dolphins (389 bottlenose dolphins and 220 Risso’s dolphins) to the Fisheries section of Wakayama Prefecture. While most of the 609 dolphins were slaughtered for human consumption, dolphin trainers selected some of the young and unblemished dolphins for use in captive dolphin swim programs and dolphin shows.
During the hunting season that began October 1st 2003 and ended March 30th 2004 the fishermen of Taiji killed 1,165 dolphins:
444 Striped dolphins
197 bottlenose dolphins
102 Pantropical spotted dolphins
293 Risso’s dolphins
117pilot whales
12 false killer whales
In that same period they captured 78 dolphins for sale to dolphinaria:
67 bottlenose dolphins
6 Risso’s dolphins
5 pseudo orcas
A huge amount of blood is swirling with the currents after a pod of Risso’s dolphins has been eradicated in the most gruesome way imaginable. The dolphins fought for their lives even as their guts were ripped from their bellies and blood gushed out of their blowholes. Photo by Genna Naccache
The fishermen have driven a large pod of bottlenose dolphins into the killing cove. They are cutting off the dolphins’ escape with two nets placed 50 feet apart. Photo by Helene O’Barry
Stop Global is a movement about change, as individuals, as a country, and as a global community. Join the 822,531 supporters of the Stop Global Warming Virtual March, and become part of the movement to demand our leaders freeze and reduce carbon dioxide emissions now. We are all contributors to global warming and we all need to be part of the solution.

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Whether it's a case of neglect or a malicious act of cruelty, you can help protect animals. Why should you care? Because it's the right thing to do. Because cruelty to animals is illegal in all 50 states. And because people who harm animals may also harm people. Stopping cruelty to animals helps everyone. What Can You Do?

1. Get help for the animal. If you see someone hurting an animal or if you know of someone whose animal looks sick, injured, or deprived of adequate food, water, or shelter, get help. Call the police, your local animal shelter, or a trusted adult. Do not try to help the animal yourself—that could put you in danger.

2. Get the facts. Write everything down. As a witness, you'll need to provide the date, time, location, and any other details you can remember, including descriptions of the animal, the type of cruelty, and the person who may be responsible for it.

3. Get the word out. Educate your friends, family, and teachers about animal cruelty and its connection to human violence by sharing information and materials from The Humane Society of the United States's First Strike,, campaign. For more information, call 1-888-213-0956, or write to us at First Strike, The HSUS, 2100 L St., NW, Washington, DC 20037.

4. Be a role model. Let your actions be a guide. Be kind to animals and let others know that hurting animals is wrong. Speak up for animals and urge others to do the same.

5. Be a responsible pet owner. Don't let your cats and dogs roam. Cats are safest indoors. When outdoors, dogs should be walked on a leash or supervised in a fenced yard. It's up to you to keep your pets safe.

6. Keep a lookout. If you see a stray or injured animal, contact your local animal care and control agency or the police. Provide a description of the animal and the location.

7. Make the 'Net work. If you find an Internet site that promotes animal abuse, urge the service provider that hosts the web site to remove it immediately. You can find the address of the web site's provider at

8. Stop cruelty before it begins. Teach elementary schoolchildren in your community to be kind to animals via KIND News, a nine-times-a-year newspaper published expressly for kids. The prize-winning publication is produced by The National Association for Humane and Environmental Education (NAHEE), the youth service division of The HSUS. NAHEE also produces other publications and has programs like Adopt-a-Classroom. For more information, visit its web sites by following the links on the right.

9. Start a club. Start an animal protection club at your school. Visit the HumaneTeen web site and click .. a Club" for tips and activity suggestions.

10. Join the HumaneTeen Network. The HumaneTeen Network is a free online service that provides members with e-mail updates on the latest animal and environmental issues. To join, visit their web site and click on "Join the Network." For more information about animal cruelty, click on "Understanding Animal Cruelty."

If you have questions, call The HSUS First Strike at 1-888-213-0956 or e-mail us at [email protected].

Going Green: At Work/At SchoolHow Green Is Your School or Workplace? Offices and schools can be enormous producers of waste, particularly paper. Every year 3.8 million acres (1.5 million hectares) of U.S. forests are clear cut to meet Americans' insatiable demand for wood pulp.Waste reduction and recycling are two ways to reduce the amount and toxicity of trash created. Offices can implement environmentally friendly policies for everything from purchasing to packaging.Offices also face the growing problem of so-called e-waste. More and more electronic products are consumed every year. This has caused a dangerous explosion in electronic scrap containing toxic chemicals and heavy metals that cannot be disposed of safely. Computers and other products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled.As many as half of all U.S. schools suffer from indoor air quality problems. Asthma affects more than six million American children, who miss a total of 14 million school days per year as a result of asthmatic attacks. By cleaning with less toxic ingredients, eliminating mold in ducts, and removing carpets wherever possible, schools and offices can reduce much of the dust and other allergens that trigger asthma.In addition, recent efforts have sought to reduce the amount of junk food that schools serve children. Currently, fifteen percent of U.S. children are overweight and likely to grow into overweight or obese adults. Organic gardens can be used to not only promote better eating habits but to teach children about biology and ecosystems.Read on to learn more about energy savings, air quality and edible schoolyard programs.

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