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Family : Strophariaceae Family : StrophariaceaeGenus : PsilocybeSpecies : cubensis; cyanescens; semilanceataGenus : PanaeolusSpecies : campanulatus; subbalteatusCommon Names: Shrooms; Magic Mushrooms; Sacred Mushrooms; teonánacat, mushrooms, magic mushrooms, mushies, shrooms, boomers, psilocybes, cubes (P. cubensis), liberty capsThere are more than 180 species of mushrooms which contain the psychedelics psilocybin or psilocin. They have a long history of use in Mexico and are currently one of the most popular and commonly available natural psychedelics.There are dozens of species of psilocybin or 'magic mushrooms' belonging primarily to the genuses psilocybe, panaeolus, and copelandia (unrelated to psychoactive amanita species). The effects of their ingestion resemble a shorter acting LSD trip, producing significant physical, visual, and perceptual changes.Nearly all of the psilocybin containing mushrooms are small brown or tan mushrooms easily mistakable for any number of non-psychoactive, inedible, or poisonous mushrooms in the wild. This makes them somewhat difficult, and potentially hazardous, to identify. The primary distinguishable feature of most psilocybin containing mushrooms is that they bruise blue when handled. HistoryPsilocybe mushrooms have been used for thousands of years by Native Americans in Central and South America. The first european record of their use showed up in the 16th century writings of a Spanish priest who wrote about the Aztec's use of both mushrooms and peyote. In 1957, Wasson became the first in modern times to document and publish a description of his own experience (Life Magazine). The active ingredient of the mushrooms, psilocybin, was soon isolated and by the mid 60's mushrooms were being both studied and used recreationally. In 1968 possession of psilocybin mushrooms was made illegal in the United States.Hallucinogenic mushrooms have been part of human culture as far back as the earliest recorded history. Ancient paintings of mushroom-ed humanoids have been found in caves in the Saharan desert. Central and Southern America cultures built temples to mushroom gods and carved "mushroom stones". These stone carvings in the shape of mushrooms, or in which figures are depicted under the cap of a mushroom, have been dated to as early as 1000-500 B.C. The purpose of the sculptures is not certain, but these stones may have been religious objects.The Mixtec culture of central Mexico worshipped many gods, one known as Piltzintecuhtli, or 7 Flower (his name presented in the pictoral language as seven circles and a flower) who was the god for hallucinatory plants, especially the divine mushroom. The Vienna Codex (or Codex Vindobonensis) (ca 13th-15th century) depicts the ritual use of mushrooms by the Mixtec gods, showing Piltzintecuhtli and 7 other gods holding mushrooms in their hands.1The Aztec people had a closely related god of the entheogens. Xochipilli, Prince of Flowers, was the divine patron of "the flowery dream" as the Aztecs called the ritual hallucinatory trance. The Aztecs used a number of plant hallucinogens including psilocybian mushrooms (teonanácatl), morning glory seeds, Salvia divinorum, Datura (tlapatl or toloache) , Peyote (peyotl), and mixitl grain. Psilocybian mushrooms were used in ritual and ceremony, served with honey or chocolate at some of their holiest events.2With Cortez's defeat of the Aztecs in 1521, the Europeans began to forbid the use of non-alcohol intoxicants, including sacred mushrooms, and the use of teonanácatl ('wondrous mushroom', or 'flesh of the gods'3) was driven underground.In the mid 16th century, Spanish priest Bernardino de Sahagún wrote of the use of hallucinogenic mushrooms by the Aztecs in his Florentine Codex :"The first thing to be eaten at the feast were small black mushrooms that they called nanacatl and bring on drunkenness, hallucinations and even lechery; they ate these before the dawn...with honey; and when they began to feel the effects, they began to dance, some sang and others wept... When the drunkenness of the mushrooms had passed, they spoke with one another of the visions they had seen."According to Sahagún, the psychoactive mushrooms which were ingested by the Aztec priests and their followers were always referred to as teonanácatl though the term does not appear to be used by modern indians or shamans in mesoamerica. 4 The varieties most likely to have been used by the Aztecs are Psilocybe caerulescens and Psilocybe mexicana. Psilocybe cubensis, which is currently quite popular as it is easy to locate and cultivate, was not introduced to America until the arrival of the Europeans and their cattle.Etymology/ et'e-mol'e-je / 1. the origin and history of wordsThe name of the genus "Psilocybe" comes from the Greek words "psilos" (bare) and "kube" (head), warped into New Latin to form "psilocybe". Literally translated, this means "bare head", most likely referring to their appearance.The most psychoactive compounds found in Psilocybe mushrooms are psilocybin and psilocin, which are discussed at length in the next part. The original Greek spellings for these are "psilocybin" and "psilocin" while the Latin spellings are "psilocybine" and "psilocine". Both sets of spellings are used. The Latin spellings are predominant in Europe, while most scholars in the field prefer the Greek spellings. DosageRecreational doses range from 1-5 grams of dry mushrooms depending on the species and individual strength of the specimens. Dosages for wet mushrooms will be approximately 10 times higher (10-50 grams). Because different species vary in size, the number of mushrooms per gram will also vary.Dosages vary significantly from person to person, species to species, and mushroom to mushroom. A good recommendation is to start with a low dose, and wait to try high doses until after you've experimented with them a few times. High doses are much, much better in a safe environment while low doses are more functional in social or public situations.The following doses give a range from relatively low dose to relatively high dose for a few of the more common species of mushrooms. Make sure you know what type of mushrooms you're eating before you decide on a dosage. The most commonly purchased dry magic mushrooms in the United States are P. cubensis. Species dried wet approx. :P. cubensis 0.5-5 grams 5-50 grams 0.25-3 big mushrooms or 2-20 small mushrooms 
P. cyanescens 0.5-3 grams 5-30 grams 1-6 large mushrooms or 2-14 small mushrooms 
P. semilanceatas 0.5-3 grams 5-30 grams 20-120 mushrooms (40 per dry gram)Psilocybin effects can be overwhelming and unpleasant, especially if you're not relaxed and ready for them. Experienced mushroomers strongly recommend starting with a low dose and increasing the intensity over several trials until one finds the dose they are comfortable with. "Boosting" with mushrooms, taking an additional amount sometime during the trip in order to increase the effects, is generally not considered very successful if it happens after the effects begin to taper at all.There are people who never go for more than an ultra light trip, and some feel it must be an earth-shattering experience. You'll probably find your dosage somewhere between these two extremes. Active IngredientsThe primary effects of mushrooms come from several active alkaloids they contain; the most common are psilocybin, psilocin, and baeocystin. Psilocybin is a more stable compound than psilocin, but is broken down into psilocin after ingestion. Effects of Magic Mushrooms OnsetDepending on how much and how recently one has eaten, Mushrooms generally takes 30-60 minutes (though sometimes as long as 2 hrs) to take effect. DurationThe primary effects of magic mushrooms last for 4-6 hours when taken orally. For many people there is an additional period of time (2-6 hrs) where it is difficult to go to sleep and there is definitely a noticeable difference from everyday reality, but which is not strong enough to be considered 'tripping'.The effects of mushrooms are greatly effected by dose and an individual's sensitivity to psilocybin. For some rare people 1/4 gm of Psilocybe Cubensis (a very small amount) is enough to propel them into full visionary states, with Open Eye Visuals, unpleasant stomach cramps or gas, and other High-Dose effects, while for others the same amount would be barely (if at all) noticeable, possibly causing a slight cold feeling during the first hour and other 'Threshold' effects. It is therefore important to get to know your individual reaction to small amounts of all entheogens. Be safe. The ExperienceIn the beginning stages of onset, Mushrooms are likely to cause a sort of undefineable feeling similar to anticipation or anxiety. There may be a feeling of energy in the body, and the sense that things are different than usual. As the effects intensify, a wide variety of perceptual changes may occur; pupil dilation, visuals, mental stimulation, new perspectives, feelings of insight, quickly changing emotions (lots of laughter), possible paranoia and confusion. More advanced users may seek spiritual awareness or a sense of universal understanding through their use of mushrooms. Closed-eye visuals are extremely common with psilocybin mushrooms. Open-eye visuals are common for some people and are more likely at higher doses.The effect-time curve of mushrooms, as with other entheogens, are characterized by a short period between ingestion and 'Coming Up', a short (but often experientially long) Coming Up period, a Plateau period, Coming Down, and then After Effects.Some but not all of the following effects characterize the following effects levels. Please note that the minimum dosage indicated for Medium and High Doses are extremely low and those who reach these states with less than 1.0 gm of Cubensis are rare. You may be one of them, be careful. Threshold Effects : (from .25gm - .75gms P. Cubensis)Slight cold feeling, mild gas or nausea, nervous-feeling, slight pupil-dilation, mild visual changes including lights seeming brighter, lights having a 'starry' look, and noticing movement at the periphery of vision, giddiness, feeling more emotionally sensitive, and many other effects related to a change in neurochemistry. Medium Effects : (0.75gm - 2.5gms P. Cubensis)'Cold' feeling, gas and/or stomach discomfort, nausea, pupil-dilation, open-eye visual effects: lights gain auras, star-pattern effects, rainbowing around lighting, lights seem brighter, often 'more beautiful', notice movement in periphery, sometimes increased ability to focus, sometimes reduced ability to focus, visual field 'distracting', visual field 'entertaining', closed eye 'visuals': normal closed eye 'blobs' take on patterns, shapes, distinct forms, increased ability to visualize creatively, spontaneous detailed images, feelings of time-dilation, feelings of ..coming home again' which is often more pronounced for those who have used mushrooms before, feelings of belonging and connection, increased emotional sensitivity, increased ability to focus on emotional problems or memories, chance of becoming 'caught in a loop' thinking / dwelling on a single thought or feeling (usually negative or painful), realizations about past feelings, realizations about how to live, gain a new perspective on current lifestyle and behaviors, feelings of connection with those around you, noticing things which are normally ignored or taken for granted, feelings of wonder, spirit, joy, sadness, despair, religious awakening, contentment and possibly latent psychological crises can come out.. High Dose Effects : (2.5gm - 10gms)All of the Medium Effects, usually with a significantly more uncomfortable Coming Up, more pronounced nausea sometimes (rarely) resulting in vomiting, sometimes significant mental discomfort associated with feelings of fear and often times accompanying a "what have I done to myself" or "how far am I going" thought, the unpleasant Coming Up effects usually lessen with familiarity and more knowledge about the safety and character of mushroom effects. High Dose Effects are usually characterized by the closed eye visualizations being significantly more elaborate and enfolding, religious revelation, spiritual awakening, near death experiences, loss of self, talking to seemingly external, autonomous entities, extreme emotional responses, repressed memories coming to life, latent psychological crises can come to the surface, an increase in artistic sense, and intense feelings of wonder, connection, joy, fear. High Dose Effects can also include extreme time-dilation, with experiences of wall-clock minutes taking an experientially large amount of time, watching clocks or digital counters where the seconds seem to take minutes to count off. One of the most interesting effects is the feeling of awakening for the first time ever from a previous state of sleep, of liberation from what is now seen as a life-long state of bondage. Paradoxically, it is this new awareness which feels normal and natural and the previous fog which is seen to have been unreal all along. The bemushroomed seeker is convinced that, once gained, this awareness is impossible to lose, but inexplicably by the next day it is just a memory. A General Topological Examination Of The Scenery Minutes after ingestion: 0 IgnitionUsually the first effects of psiloc[ybin/in] are perceivable after ten or twenty minutes. Funny or strange things may pop into your mind. One may feel very relaxed or like jumping all over the place. Next you may feel like you were blasting off, up towards the stars, rising high. Chewing the mushrooms for about ten minutes in your mouth enables the psilocybin and its analogues to enter the brain faster - if the mushrooms are immediately swallowed, it may take as long as 1 hour for the first effects to set in. 20 AccelerationIf you get any physical symptoms, this is when they will hit. You can avoid or at least reduce nausea by not eating very much before the trip and not moving around too much during this phase. Throwing up is uncommon but not unheard of; having a barf bag around, especially on the first few trips, is a good idea. If you find that your body really doesn't like shrooms, a motion sickness pill (Dramamine and similar anti-histamines) beforehand may help. But don't worry about it too much, even if you feel queasy the nausea will end quite quickly. 40 Leaving the atmosphereOne will begin entering the realms of the experience; often the first real signs are simple hallucinations with the eyes closed or in darkness, little colored pixels floating around etc. If one is going to go to the toilet, it should be done now. 70 Flight1 hour is usually sufficient for the more powerful effects to set in. The body will feel heavy and drowsy. 130 PeakAfter two hours the peak of the experience. Often quite awesome. 300 DecelerationBy now one will again start to remember the concepts of normal reality and may feel like getting something to drink and eat, or talk and do some moving about. 360 TouchdownAfter about six hours most of the effects have disappeared and sleeping becomes possible. 12h RealityIf you trip at night and fall asleep when the trip is ending, this is when you'll wake up... and the odds are you'll feel GRRRRRREAT! 7d Jet lagAfterglow of the experience will persist anywhere from few days to several weeks; what you've learned may change your life. Occasionally this learning will be negative and you'll be depressed for a while as you assimilate the fact that you've been wrong about something for all your life, but the depression is never extreme and - cheezy as it may sound - you will be a much better person afterwards. The Eraserhead SyndromeThe mushrooms can be fun. One may feel like eating them every day. A - not cool, B - not good. A mental/physical tolerance builds up quite fast: usually three or four times with 7 day intervals cause diminished effect and notably less divine trip. I'd recommend visiting the spiritworld 4 to 10 times a year, for the freshness and divinity of it. Most of us know an acid- or pot-head - a drug abuser. I call acid/ mushroomheads Eraserheads (seen the movie?), as they are often bit paranoid and manic-depressive and dullheaded. It's easy to get bad vibes off the psilos - just do the mushrooms like you'd do alcohol - without respect or any care. So - use the consciousness of turbocharged-monkeybrain we all have. And if you only want to get your brain fucked up there are better substances for that in the world.
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Trip Reports: Level 5!

After a track meet one night, my friends and I decided to shroom. My friend grows them and had some left overs for us. His stuff is pretty potent and I ate more than anyone’s ever eaten of his s...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 18:50:00 GMT

Trip Reports: Level 3

found myself in austin one weekend, a cool january night, perfect in any way imaginable. i was piss drunk at 4 in the afternoon, sober by eight, and out of nowhere i suggested that we attain so...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 18:49:00 GMT

Trip Reports: Level 2

The following is an my account of a very interesting group trip that happened in the summer of 2004. I was 17,(and the rest of us were in the 17-19 age range) and not a veteran of drugs in general- I ...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 18:47:00 GMT

Trip Reports: Level 1

This is about my last trip to Amsterdam, in September 2002. It was also my last TRIP in the ’Dam (although I have had a few since on home turf). I’m very lucky as my boyfriend and I always...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 18:45:00 GMT