I am Benjamin Ex. If I left anything out, let me know...otherwise...I'm going to buy a Gibson Explorer one of these day's so I can die a happy man...but before then I just want to have some fun...play some music...write some music...all primarily along the lines of once some one listens to it, the say: "your into METALLICA (or also acceptable AVENGED SEVENFOLD), aren't you?..."...I don't know how to name it, but that feeling is the most joy I can know...but hey, I'm always up for a few of the other joys in life, so, if you are too, then I salute you...grab a glass or a shot or a pint or pitcher and sing along with me...but sing louder cause I don't sing too well....rather, I'll just pick up a guitar and we can go to town...dealer's choice....