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About Me

From the land where the eel river flows and the Honky Tonkers, Hellbillies and Lonesome drifters roam. Some call it where the tracks end where all trains come in but none leave, a place where theres one job in the holes for every 10 men and where cheap bourbon and old flat top six strings are the night life. Allow me to introduce myself the name is Matt. Pleasure is all mine I'm sure. I'd share more information with you but i'm afraid there's not much I can tell. You see the only things you need to survive out here are an iron and nothing else to lose.

Johnny Cash & Waylon -- There Ain't No Good Chain Gang

Ralph Stanley - Angel Band

This is one of my absolute favorites and none sing it better than Dr. Ralph Stanley so I'd like to dedicate this to Daddy

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

There are a few people I'd like to meet here or on the other side: Johnny Cash, John Wilks Booth, and John Wesley Hardin on this side I shook the hand of legendary Dr. Ralph Stanly PhD. of Bluegrass, and sat in on a private jam session with Jimmy Martin before he died RIP, Hank Williams the III in Lexington Ky. href=" lvdXRzLm9yZw==" target="_blank"> href=' NpbXBsZXN1cnZleXMvY3JlYXRlLXN1cnZleS5waHA='>CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!

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My Blog

Ralph Stanley - Angel Band This is one of my absolute favorites and none sing it like Dr. Ralph Stanley. I dedicate it to Daddy
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 18:39:00 GMT

Drunk, Ornery and Mean

Been savin' it up fer a while yall so I gotta lot to say and i'm drunk as a mississipi skunk. First off is my top ten list.. Top Ten reasons things that piss me off about Nap-Town as t...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 19:59:00 GMT

Ode to a modern day coca-cola cowboy

In a day in age where life is lived faster then our fancy automobiles and jet airplanes can carry us it's hard to remain a simple man. Lost in the hustle and bustle of the city that is growing up arou...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 14:40:00 GMT

The skinny from Citidad Mexico Nuevo

Well folks it might just be the begining of the end for a dusty cowpoke ridin' the Heartbreak trail ol' Hellbilly Helton is gettin' hitched. I found myself a wonderful little lady and have beautiful d...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 17:44:00 GMT

Dissappearing Innocence

The muddy Eel has it's share of broken hearted men but they by no means have a monopoly on the sordid tales of lonesome wandering souls that have been engrained in the community that is the Muddy Eel....
Posted by on Sat, 27 May 2006 15:56:00 GMT

Return of Ira Middlestone

When I was 16 I had a friend and fellow Militiaman named Ira Middleston or as we called him Big Cheif Beaver Scout, Beaver for short. This name was a friendly joke about Beaver's native American herit...
Posted by on Sat, 27 May 2006 15:12:00 GMT

truth and conseqenses part II

Rose was a beautiful girl and above ill repute. Everyone knew Rose could have any guy in town but that night she wanted Junior. As time progressed the relationship grew. One day as Rose was bringing J...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 22:23:00 GMT

truth and Consequences Part I

The legends of the Muddy Eel are more then just wives tales or local lore, they are the verbal account of the lives and times of our inhabitants. However sometimes lives on the Muddy Eel cross searing...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 09:06:00 GMT

Touble Busin' in from Chi-town

You know I saw on TV there the other day where these kids are goin' out and beatin' the shit out of each other and video tapin' it. First off why kick the shit out of yer buddy when there are plenty o...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 12:37:00 GMT

the Ballad of little Jimmy Hawkins

There are two things you learn livin' down by the muddy eel first is that nature is more than a lesson in science it's also a lesson in life. Kill or be killed those are your choices. Peaceful coexist...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 21:02:00 GMT