Food and music are the only things I really 'do'. I pretend to study philosophy and politics. I pretend I want to do things other than eat or play music, but I don't really. I have read some books. I have been some places.
Skullflower, Bonnie "Prince" Billy, Birchville Cat Motel, Codeine, Youthmovies, Converge, Hototogisu, Alex Neilson. And Red House Painters, always.
I really enjoyed Good Will Hunting and Lost in Translation, but I can't say I'm that in to movies. I like Kevin Spacey in Seven.
I don't own a television but have been known to fall to my knees in adoration of Stephen Fry, in QI especially. And recently, '24' box sets.
I like Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Even though he's Castro's best mate yet lives in a mansion...hmmm.