MAUDLIN STREETTEAM profile picture


About Me

In a genre overwhelmed with sad bands, MAUDLIN may be the saddest of them all. It's difficult to describe feelings we ain't familiar with. The sadness, anger and depression the band has gone through is reflected in the repetitive, yet very powerful song structure. Sometimes it feels like MAUDLIN only has one friend: their instruments. The relationship between their emotions and the songs they create is obvious. Lyrics are deeply affecting in their plaintive simplicity... it all could have been suicide letters. Scary and genius. Intense and sad. Powerful and emotional. Don't be mistaken, above all MAUDLIN is hard, very hard! Intensity the way it should be.

My Blog

IONESCO Release-show

Hope to see you all there!Knokke-Heist 8301Oude visserijschool
Posted by on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 06:32:00 GMT