Eagle Six Bike Woman profile picture

Eagle Six Bike Woman

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About Me

Get Colourful Scrollbar at crazyprofile.comMy family historyYes ... my story: My grandmother was called Ruth Heather Elk Head Yellow Hawk, and they gave me the name: Ihanble Wichapi Wanbli (Dreaming star Eagle) My grandmother was from Minneconjou-Sioux Tribe, and came from the Cheyenne River Reservation. My grandmother was married to my grandfather, descended from Eisenach! So German! All have now died! My father then came in Silesia in the world, where my grandparents lived a time! Giant Mountains ... So am fourth Lakota! There is not much! But I am proud! Even great! And if a man thinks he knows everything about these people, because I can only say this ... Can not ... I myself am here in Germany, was born and raised! Did the language of my grandmother, not much noticed! But I am learning ...My grandmother was 2-times in Germany. Once they examined 1930 relatives of her grandfather, she heard that in Germany there are illegitimate children and then in the 2nd World War as a hospital nurse. 1930, she had probably learned a man, that was my grandfather. Although she already has two daughters in the States had, did it again back to Germany. She had learned from her sister that her two daughters to school have been set (that she had indeed experienced as a young girl). If white American children in such an institution stuck, the contact with the family completely aborted.I am born in Germany! (Wanne-Eickel) This is a town near Cologne!My grandmother was 2-times in Germany. Once she was looking for 1930 Related! We told her family in the Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show in 1890 at 16-July 21 in Brunswick Guest appearances with hundreds of Native Americans, cowboys, horses, buffaloes. She had In Brunswick is the 2 illegitimate children of her father existed and she .... and then you came in 2nd World as a hospital nurse. 1930 she had a man here probably know learned, that was my grandfather. Although she already has two daughters in the States had, did it again back to Germany. She had by her sister discovered that her two daughters to school have been set (that she had indeed experienced as a young girl). If white American children in such an institution stuck, was the contact with the family completely ended, I am quarter Lakota! This is not much, but I feel that in order to more in me! I had a lot of my grandmother noticed also that I dance. Since they knew that Buffalo Child (he also came in 2nd World thereof) teachers for Native children were sent me to him. In the tender age of 7 years, I learned Buffalo Child know of an exhibition in Herne headed. He led dances and took me many years later as a student at. He pointed me in the Customs and dances of the people one. Buffalo Child ensured that other Native People here in Germany taught me to dance. Meanwhile I have been dancing for 30 years and I have at various Powwows in dance competitions: 2001 here in Germany, at the Open Air Contest Powwow in the Fancy Shawl Dance (3rd Place) 2003 Germany, with an Indian / German Powwow in Women's Fancy Shawl (1st place) and (3rd place) in the Traditional Woman. I also have more invitations to powwows to America, but unfortunately I could not realize it yet. Otherwise, I learn the Language of the Lakota, to design and sew my own costumes and am dealing with my whole heart on the history and am dealing with the spirit of the people of my grandmother, I cook and eat very much from the traditional kitchen of my grandmother. My passion for riding the motorcycle!I hope you know now a little more about me .... and I could explain so much. ~*Eagle*~MAY YOUR DAY BE FILLED WITH MANY BLESSINGS,AND YOUR HEART FILLED WITH LOVE,AND MAY YOUR SPIRIT FLY HIGH.......

The person who has found the suitable counterpart of his soul should be happily....However, some people never find them....AN INDIAN FRIENDSHIP WISHMay there always be work for your hands to do;May your pouch always hold a coin or two;May the sun always shine on your tipi;May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;May our Creator fill your heart with hope, fun and gladness to cheer you.Many blessings and much love to you always.Toksa ake ~*Eagle*~Hi und Hallo wie man so schön sagt!Ich bin Bikerin durch und durch!!!Meine Leidenschaft ist das Tanzen, Heavy Metal gehört zu meinem leben wie Brot und Wasser! Bin damit groß geworden und habe schon sage und schreibe cirka 510 Konzerte und Festivals besucht! Long Live Metal !!! Blöde anmach Methoden ziehen hier nicht bei mir, versucht es erst gar nicht!!!! Mag nur ehrliche Menschen, Unehrlichkeit hasse ich wie die Pest. Lache sehr gerne und ich mag lustige Menschen, die mich aufheitern können. Ich beschreibe mich mal! Meine Einstellung zum Leben: Bin verantwortungsbewusst und habe einen ausgeprägten Gerechtigkeitssinn. Habe eine positive Einstellung zum Leben.. Bin bei Freunden sehr beliebt. Mitreißend ist mein witziger Humor und meine offene Art.Gefühle sind mir sehr wichtig. Schenke vertrauen, reagiere aber empfindlich wenn mein vertrauen mißbraucht wird. Mein Vater kam in Schlesien! Riesengebirge..auf die Welt. Ich bin hier in Deutschland geboren und Aufgewachsen! War mal verheiratet....Sehr Jung! Ein Fehltritt! Das einzigste was an dieser Ehe gut war, das ich meine beiden Söhne bekam, auf die ich sehr stolz bin!!! Ich möchte Menschen Freude bereiten mit meiner Geschichte und mit meiner Art zu schreiben... Hi and Hello as you said so beautifully! I'm Bikerin through and through! My passion is dancing, heavy metal is part of my life as bread and water! I have become so large and have been saying and writing about 510 concerts and festivals to visit! Long Live Metal! funny methods turn out here is not with me, try it you do not! Mag only honest people, dishonesty, I hate like the plague. Pool very happy and I like funny people who can cheer me. I describe my time! My attitude to life: I'm responsible and have a strong sense of justice. Have a positive attitude towards life .. I'm very popular with friends. Stirring is my witty sense of humor and my feelings are open art very important to me. Schenke trust react sensitively but if my trust is abused. My father was born in Silesia! Giant Mountains in the World ... I am here in Germany, was born and raised! Was once married .... Very young! A mistake! The only thing in this marriage was good, I got my two sons that I'm very proud! I want to delight people with my story and my way of

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Red Hawk!Red Hawk shares three of his homemade bows and recounts how he made them, along with interesting facts and history on their uses.In the first Journey with Red Hawk, Red Hawk shows examples of how the Lenape Native American people hunted and utilized the entire deer for food, clothing, weapons and tools. He will also show how to tie a homemade stone point on a wood arrow shaft using deer sinew and hide glue. This video is packed with information and interesting facts on the Lenape people of the *Delaware.*Ich mag langhaarige Männer!!!! Ich Liebe es wenn Menschen ehrlich sind, Lügen hasse ich wie die Pest. Lache sehr gerne und ich mag lustige Menschen, die mich aufheitern können. I like longhaired men! I love it when people are honest, lies, I hate like the plague. Pool very happy and I like funny people who can cheer me.Ich beschreibe mich mal! Meine Einstellung zum Leben! Bin verantwortungsbewußt habe einen ausgeprägten Gerechtigkeitssinn und eine Positive Einstellung zum Leben.Bin bei freunden sehr beliebt! Mitreißend ist mein witziger Humor und meine offene Art. Gefühle sind mir sehr wichtig. Schenke vertrauen, reagiere aber empfindlich wenn mein Vertrauen missbraucht wird.I describe my time! My attitude towards life! Bin responsibly have a strong sense of justice and a positive attitude towards life, I'm very popular with friends! Stirring is my witty sense of humor and my feelings are open art very important to me, give confidence react sensitively but if my trust is abused.Would like new acquaintances and friends! Just nice contacts! Native Peoples! Is very important to me! Wants a lot about the people know my grandmother! She was from the tribe of Minneconjou-by Cheyenne River Sioux reservation, my grandfather was from East Germany. I have a few friends that I can call friends. I look forward to plenty of contact here, please write me, I am now very much! Your Eagle Six Bike WomanFreunde habe ich eigentlich nur einen....Deshalb freue ich mich hier auf reichlich Konntakte! Eure Eagle Six Bike Woman!

My Blog

White Buffalo

Posted by on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 04:57:00 GMT

~ * ~ Native American -The White Buffalo ~ * ~

Posted by on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 04:39:00 GMT

The Story of the White Buffalo Calf Woman

Posted by on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 04:29:00 GMT

Indigenous Native American Prophecy (Elders Speak part 1)

Posted by on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 18:49:00 GMT

Meine leidenschaft!

Meine Leidenschaft ist das Motorrad fahren! Dieses verbinde ich mit meinem ganzen Gefühl der Natur.Beides ist ein Gefühl von Freiheit und Energie. Ich fahre schon cirka 25 Jahre Motorrad und habe scho...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 13:23:00 GMT

Meine Augen sehen die Wilde Schönheit des Adlers!

Meine Augen sehen die wilde Schönheit des Adlers!. Ich persönlich habe schon immer Tiere geliebt, besonders den Adler! Ich habe das Gefühl zu wissen, was in ihnen vorgeht. Immer wenn ich ein Tier ans...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 16:04:00 GMT