IN FLAMES and Children of Bodom
coMMent ME!!
In Flames - Come Clarity
In Flames - Take This Life
In Flames – Scream
In Flames – Vacuum
My Favorite baNd
~In FLamEs
~SUM 41
~ChiLDrEN of BOdOm
~Lacuna Coil
~cradle OF FiLth
~BiLLy TaLent
~Within Temtation
~MaRilyN MaNsoN
~REd HOT ChiLLi PaPpErs
~ThEaTER of TraGedy
~Goo Goo DoLLs
~GrEEn dAy
~JiMMy eAt WoRld
~StaTiC X
My Favorite SoNG
..Gone With The Sin
..In joy and Sorrow
..Join Me
..WinGs oF tHe ButteRFly
..Poison Girl
..Vampire girl..
..All song from album Come Clarity (2006)..
..All song from album A Sense Of Purpose (2008)..
..Ordinary Stories
..Bullet Ride..
Acoustic Madley..
..Jotun..Behind Space..
Dawn of a New daY..
..Artificate Of the bLack Rain..
..Needle 24/7..
..silent Nite Bodom Nite..
..bodom After midNight..
..Are u dead Yet??
..Follow da reaper..
..Touch like an Angel of Death..
..Hate Breeder..
..Hate me!!
..Hollowed by Thy Name..
..Dirge Inferno..
..tonight in Flames..
..Lovesick for Mina..
..The Foetus oF a New Day Kicking..
..The hell song...
Over my head
Still waiting... NO brains
Thanks for nothing...
BiLLy spleen
..No Reason...
We're All to Blame
Angel With Dirty Faces...
Some Say
Pieces... There's No Solution
..falling for you... El Scorcho
butterFly... Accross the sea
the good life... Hash pipe
No one else... Why brother
No other one... Tired of sex
Perfect Situation
..Karma Police... I will
2+2=5... Paranoid Android
Street Spirit... No Surprises
..Line & sinker... Lies
Nothing to Lose... River Below
Try Honesty
..Residnt Evil... Mannequin
Coma White... Tainted Love
Rock is Dead... Sweet Dream
thE BeauTiful PeopLe
..Unintnded... Escape
Hyper Music... Megalomania
Micro Cut... Muscle Museum
New Born... Plug In Baby
Time is Running Out... Bliss
..A Hamlet 4 a Slothful Vasasal
..A distance there is
..and When He Falleth
..Venus... Samantha
..Angelique... der spiegel
..Chop Suey... Atwa
Toxicity... Aerials
..Innervison... Bubbles
Mr. Jack... Highway Song
Ego Brain... Roulette
..BYOB... Radio Video
Revange... Sad Statue
Lonley Day... Marmalade
..may angels lead you in
..Pardon Me.. Drive
...Talk Shows oN mUte
..Drugs Are Good... Linoleum
..ElectricCity... All Of Me
.. Pimp And Hookers
..Tha Brews...
..we Threw Gasoline
Gin n Juice
..12:51... Reptilia
What Ever Happend?
... Automatic Stop
..You Talk Way Too Mush
..Between Love & Hate
..Is This It... Last Nite
My Favorite Muvie
..American Gangster (the Best Movie)..
..I am Legend..
..Resident Evil Extinction..
..Wrong Turn 2..
..The Brave One..
..TRASFORMER (the best ever)..
..Die Hard 4.0..
..Spider man 3..
..Ghost Rider..
..Blood Dimond..
..SaW III..
..death Note..
..The OMEN 666..
..tHe fOrSaKen..
..DOT The I..
..da loRd oF da RinG..
..ResidEnt EviL..
..The Day aFteR tOmorROw..
..The PiaNisT..
..50 1sT dAte..
..51st state..
..tHe wHole 10 YarD..
..X MeN..
AmeRicaN hisToRy X..
..dUDE wHere My cARR???..
..War oF dA wORld..
..kInG KonG..
..sPidER maN..
..Buli Balik..
..haRRy PoTTer.. N da FurIoUs..
My Fav.Television:
Star Movie
Discovery Channel
ESPN(i only watch when
have Man Utd game)
Chafixy The 666