Steve Carell, Randy Newman, Jon Bon Jovi, Jim Davis, Ellen Degeneres, Steve Martin, Michael Buble...
I like all types of music. Voices that make me melt: James Blunt, Bing Crosby, Michael Buble, Ewan McGregor (I know, not technically a singer...but he did damn good on Moulin Rouge), and of course, the talented Mr. Stevens. Voices that make me laugh: Randy Newman, the Barenaked LAdiesThere are many more, I just don't feel like listing them all. :p
Office Space, The Jerk, Tommy Boy, Animal House, Elf, Christmas Vacation, Pirates of the Caribbean, PeeWee's Big Adventure, 40 Year Old Virgin
I don't really watch TV much anymore, but we do try to make time to see Lost and The Office.
For some reason I'm into "Chick Lit" right now. I think its a small escape from my daily domestic life :) Some of the books I've read recently and can still remember that I've enjoyed are Zoe Rice's Pick Me Up; Jane Green's Swapping Lives, The Other Woman, To Have and To Hold, Babyville, and Bookends; Helen Fieldings Bridget Jones and Bridget Jones the Edge of Reason; Marian Keyes' The Other Side of the Story, Angels, Last Chance Saloon, Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married, and Watermelon. I've also got my other 'all time' favorites...A Tree Grows in Brooklyn; Anything by Mark Twain (I know, dorkyish, but its a family thing); The Phantom of the Opera; um, thats all for now.