Not much to say... I work 9-5 and try to go to school... the two clash and I end up not taking very many classes. I'm a music recording major, I play guitar, bass, drums, hand percussion and am generally fascinated by sound instruments of all kinds. I'm getting a band started up, I hope that all works out and beleive me this will certainly be updated quickly if it does. I live with my girlfriend of 4 years and I have great friends, we have a lot of good times and quite possibly single handedly keep the breweries of North America in business.
Overall I can't complain. Life isn't easy but at least I have people who love me and people I love to make it all worth it.
Vote for the NHL All star game!
You can vote as many times as you want, help offset what some asshole did with the Canadiens, you'll see what I mean when you look at the current leaders.
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