I really like Melissa. And digging. But Melissa more.
um, you? AIM=Helioaquas
Just about everything, unless it makes me cry (I sense a recurring theme) Plus Doobie Brothers, Dire Straits, Led Zeppelin, The Eagles, Janice Joplin, and if I'm good, Aretha Franklin
Like all kinds of movies, except when they make me cry, or angry, If I was you, I would see Pretty Persuasion, probably have to wait for DVD, but it's worth it. Last of the Mohicans is probably one of my favorites 25th Hour, a Spike Lee joint with Edward Norton, one of those nice quiet movies that makes you feel neither inactive nor helpless, just a film, not really feelgood, just you aren't really allowed a place in the story, which is cool once in a while, it's good.
Anything that is not MTV.
Biographies of old dead people. AWESOME! Plus Comic Books MORE AWESOME! Example: Runaways, my new favorite comic book due to the fact that I would love to run away from home but I don't have the balls! YAY! I read Slaughterhouse Five and soon after concluded that Vonnegut is awesome. I mean, just look at the irony:
Ok, no one, except my friends, who are all cool. Ok maybe Stephen Crane, but sometimes he makes me cry, and thats not good, (as if you didn't know that) Plus Stephen of Ireland, my favorite crazy person And Pyro, my favorite Super-villain cause if I was him I would have super powers like controling flames and speaking with an australian accent.