Hi, I'm Mitch. And I SUCK. :]Well, things have changed. I'm not in high-school anymore and not in a band ( :[ ), I hope to change that in 1 to 2 years. I'm attending USC-L as a Freshman with a Major of... UNDELCARED. I hope to go to Columbia in 2 years, maybe just for the band. Then again, Winthrop could do. I still play the Trombone, still partially obsessed with WoW and Xbox-Live. (woo go no lifer). I like uh.. hanging out with friends on the weekends, annoying Baby Burr with texts, even though she doesn't talk back that much.. it's okii, I still love her. I also enjoy completely destroying at Rock Band and afterwards taking 2 am trips to Wal-Mart.. and generally just being awesome at everything. I work at Garden Ridge atm.. ( lol ) But all that gets me is gas. xD Speaking of gas, my car is lame, and although it is a blessing and a gift, it's quite atrocious. Still, better than nothing, eh? No? Fine. Shut up, go away; I'm not typing to you anymore.oh yeah. Luff Rachel M. Olszewski. Still. Always. (and I was being a jerk in a bad mood for what I put before. :/ Sorreh.)[LOVEMYFLASH]