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swisss Rolll

About Me

Names Claudia Tamara Kaufmann Lived in Thailand for 16 years... My parents are from Switzerland which makes me Swiss.`I have swiss blood but feel Thai.Speak 4 languages... German, English, Thai, Swiss german (yes there is a difference between german and swiss german), and i attempt to speak french. What i hate ---- The cold, ppl with bad mood swings, losing contact with good friends What i love --- Jo, Bex, Amy, Christina, Alex, Um, Selin, Janna, Bytoey, sarah... Tocuhe, Seb, ... Oh so many. i Love all my friends, family, HORSES, animals, partying (although i dont do it as much anymore), love dancing, sleeping. I get paranoid very very easily. ask Amy:P heheh.. or any guys i`ve ever been wit.Basically thats it. I am 17 years old and am older then most of my friends, its okay. i still act as if i am the youngest at times. hehehhe Anyhow... there isnt much more to say.div

My Interests

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My Blog

PICs from trips with fridends and Um! Huahin, pataya, samet!

Patya trips with...Jo, becky, Amy, christina:)! Huahin trip september!!!  ...
Posted by Claudia** on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 07:53:00 PST

a little life story

Once upon a time, there was a bird. He was adorned with two perfect wings and with glossy, colourful marvelous feathers. In short, he was a creature made to fly freely in the sky, bringing joy to ever...
Posted by Claudia** on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 11:33:00 PST