Giovanni profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Myself...ah ah...I am european but that's too cliche.. for me too...anyway this is a little bit of a problem because all the people i'd like to meet are already dead...Jim Morrison, Lucio Battisti, Francois Truffaut,Orson Wells, Fabrizio De Andre.....for the living ones I would say Michael Mann and Colin Farrell, a couple of former football players, Roberto Baggio and Maradona ( so i can ask him how can he be such a great player and such a huge idiot at the same time),Rosamund Pike (the most beautiful woman in the world)...Masami Kurumada (so I can beat him to death), Hideo Kojima. Here on myspace, I just would like to meet interesting people from US and Italy...

My Blog

La mome. The little sparrow.

I saw it last night; yeah La mome is the movie about the life and death of the great french singer Edith Piaf for who i always had a huge crash on. Honestly i don't know if i liked the movie as a fine...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 12:29:00 GMT

Into the wild-A thought about happiness

So I am sick again. I caught two flus in one month while before i got sick once in like two years. Anyhow, since that the only thing that i can do is to stay at home and watch TV i decided to re-watch...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 20:09:00 GMT

Boston Concert

So, tonight was the night. I had the chance to go see one of my favourite band live in LA. I am talking about Boston, along with Led Zeppelin and AC/DC probably my favourite rock band. The place; Gibs...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 01:52:00 GMT


So, this time Italian are the lucky ones since that the movie came out last Friday here...No July 4th Holyday in Italy... So this is my review for this movie that I know many of you are looking f...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 04:46:00 GMT

Survey of world cinema

I am trying to study for the Survey of world cinema final but I am just too bored. And the questions are too long..difficult. I will be so glad once i am done with that class...Anyway if you are bored...
Posted by on Sun, 13 May 2007 21:32:00 GMT

CAMPIONI D`ITALIA!!!-Running out of seasons!

Yes! After 18 years my favourite football team in Serie A won the Scudetto(the italian championship)...too bad I am not Italy to party with my friends...A lot of suffering and delusions came in these ...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 16:00:00 GMT

24, Survey of world cinema and Canada

Finally tomorrow I`ll be back in Orange. Few things happened in this week though. I know that for you Americans this is old news (very old probably) but before leaving I bought Season 1 of 24(the tv s...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 21:28:00 GMT

I am sad

Tonight I am sad. And there is not an easy way for me to write this.  Ok, I will admit it...I am sad because the semester is over. I know it sounds crazy above all said from me, probably the pers...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 23:07:00 GMT

I apologize

A couple of days ago I was talking with a friend of mine and he was telling me some interesting things about my 3-2-1. Yes,again my 3-2-1. I guess it is something I will have to deal with until I leav...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 01:48:00 GMT

Thanks Ross!

Just a few lines tonight for expressing my gratitude to Professor Ross Brown, my feature screenwriting teacher. Yesterday when I exposed my story to him and the class i had very bad reactions(probably...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 00:12:00 GMT