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About Me

i never kno wat 2 say bout stuff like this....lets see...most of my life is photograghy, art, and music...and ummmm...i guess i like 2 think of myself as creative,open minded n a dreamer, and wishing that i could controle tha universe....i have been told i am some wat "selfish" n "2 quiet" (apperently)...but thats mostly cuz im in my own world or crazy thoughts, or im felling shy i try 2 b so oblivish 2 tha hellish world az possible, but sometimes i find myself over wheelmed n inspired by those places at wich beuty exist..people get annoyed with me because i dont like 2 answer stupid questions..but..i am annoyed by ple. who judge me n assume things bout me with out knowing me, i hate close mindedness,n i hate it when pple try 2 put me in some predetminded,piorthless catigory, on tha other hand i think pple r facinating n if ur cool i am easy 2 get along with i am openminded 2 new stuff , i want 2 have az much wisdom n knowledge before i die. i am definatly not an"open book",...i can never make up my mind but i hate when others try 2 decide for me,...i dont even know if i can explain myself much better,. tha only conclusion that i come 2 is that i am a confussing contridiction.

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