bomber profile picture


About Me

i used to move all the time
champion puppy aka chompers is my all time favorite and always will be
I miss my east coast friends so much
I work at the raddest doggy daycare / boarding place ever!
eventually (within 3 years) I will get my masters in accounting
I love to wander around but getting out the door most days is impossible
I wish I had someone to drink whiskey while riding bikes with
I'm probably as stereotypical as all the people that annoy me but at least I have goals.
scrap booking, reading, passing out on the couch and sewing are my favorite pass times
If I ever see David Cross stand up live I will be able to die happy
Finally adjusting and loving San Francisco, unless it's to Austin I doubt I'll ever move
It creeps me out how many people look at my page, but not enough to make it private
someone once told me "chesterfield king" by jawbreaker reminded them of me, I win.
I like vacations and beaches
my stomach always hurts
Real Housewives of New Jersey best describes me

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Blog

you'll scream we've had enough

also all the stuff i left in various states over the years..if you still have it and want me to get it, let me know!hi.remem ber me? i pulle d yet anoth er disap peari ng act about a year ago and tr...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Jan 2009 15:16:00 GMT


heyyyso to everyone who knew me from 1999-2004 and maybe went to a show or two at my house, could you help me put a list together? I had one on my old myspace but I no longer know the password for tha...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 10:59:00 GMT