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About Me

Before I get into my profile this is for the nosey people out in Bedford who seem to be reporting to my father. I am 22 years old, and yes I may still live with my mother and help her with bills as well as her help me with things, my life is in no way your business. If you feel the need to go to my father about anything, remember, I'll consider suing you for slander. Mind your own business, back off, and leave me alone. If I want my father to know anything about me I'll tell him myself. It's my life, and yes I may be gay, but that is in no way disturbing and none of your business to go telling him. Back off and let me live my life and be happy. As said for the purpose of the United States or America "For Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".
Whelp it's time for another Profile Update. Which number is this now? 500? Anywho, hey guys the name's Travis. I'm a young gay male in my early 20's and I'm not exactly on the scale of average. I'm totally aware of most of my surroundings and slightly crazy because of it. I'm pretty damn opinionated when it comes to certain things, and when I hear total ignorance I try to bring out awareness. I fail often but that's the world for you, won't stop me from trying though.
Religion wise I'm a Christian but I don't buy that load of stuff about homosexuality being wrong and all that crap. If it were, being that it's stated in the book of the Bible that says you can't eat pork or shell fish, all of us but the Jews are doomed to hell, and I simply don't believe that!
The political side of me, well..I hate that I even HAVE a political side now because it's stressing me out with the way this country is working, but I'm Democratic when you look at everything. I'm no where near an extreme liberal, but I will take the title liberal with pride. I hear a lot of people in this state putting the word in a state of an insult. Funny thing is I take it as a compliment. :P
Now that all that stuff is out of the way, the rest of me, the main part of me, is a major gamer and creative thinker. I love using my imagination and I love Role Playing Games. RPG's are a good way to stir the fire in your brain and create, it's loads of fun, especially with the .. ones. I'm big into MMORPG's. Some I play are World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, City of Heroes, Star Wars Galaxies, Phantasy Star Universe, and probably some others I can't think of right now. Currently my active ones are Guild Wars and World of Warcraft. You can find me on Rexxar Server on World of Warcraft.
Past games things I like are, Wrestling, Comedies(movies and tv shows), some dramatic action shows like Heroes or Buffy(the stirs of comedy in these rock), and that's about all my mind can come up with at the moment. I work as a Clerk in a General Goods store and I pretty much like it, some of the customers that come in are pretty great, others I want to beat with a baseball bat. I get along with some of the employees pretty well, others are situational, it just depends on the new drama of the day, lol.
Now as far as family life goes, I have a boyfriend I love very much. One day we'll be married, and that's a fact, we'll make it happen. I have a large family on both sides and one side of them is rather split to pieces. There's a lot of talking behind people's backs, judgement when there's a lot of ignorance on situations, and even demanding for money in an unreasonable manner. An example, my mom is ill, everyone knows this, my uncle demands money back instead of letting his sister get well, get my drift? The other side of the family has come closer together I think, or at least openned up to me more. We just lost my grandfather October 24, 2006. He was a great man and I hope he lives through the rest of us. The closest people to me I think would be my sister, my cousin, and of course Jase. My sister's boyfriend is buttering up to me though, he's a good kid.
Anyway that's all on me I can think of. If you have any questions send me a message!
(Attention WoW Players): I have recently found home on the currently new server Exodar. It was created for the expansion's release. I'm there on Horde side currently playing as a Blood Elf named Eversong. She's turning out to be my main. Now here's the bit of news, I've started a guild again. After claiming I'll never ever ever ever ever ever do this, I've created one yet again, but this time for a different purpose. This is JUST a social guild. I'm not running one for events and stuff(unless someone else wants to take up that responsibility, I won't be). It's called Children of the Blood, and that's what Sin'Dorei(Blood Elves) means in their language. The purpose of this guild being a Social Guild only is I just got tired of being with guilds where people insulted others for being different. Whether religion, culture, sexuality, I don't care the reason, I just don't want to put up with it. So here, I made a place where people can play in peace but still have someone to talk to. It will deffinately be small cause this sort of person appears to be rare, and I actually require maturity(real maturity, not this "Horde is more mature *nose up in the air*" stuff). So if this is an issue you're having, and you don't really want raid or pvp guilds, or just want a guild til you find something better, you're welcome with this one. You can find me on Exodar, Horde Side, Eversong. Hit me up if you want in.
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My Interests

Favorite Quotes
Rhed: "Oh no, there's random ninjas on the way to the grocery store! I guess I should've worn a bra today!" - About DoA, Hitomi's mission to get a salad.
Whitney: "Oh yeah, you'll just crush right through it, too bad you're such a cow!" - Commenting on my answer to a customer about being able to ride on a remote controlled Bus we sell. x_X

Amatuer Writting
Dungeons and Dragons
World of Warcraft
Almost Anything Final Fantasy
Neverwinter Nights
Soul Calibur
Bard/Dragon Disciple/Pale Masters
And much much more

Radical Dreamers
translated song lyrics
"Held in young hands,
That light is shivering
I've come all this way
Wandering the edge of time

I came still searching
I don't even know your name, but
One little feeling
I just wanted to hand over to you

Sometimes I catch and hold
Love and pain, tightly in my arms
It will fade away, but
I'll remember

It'd been echoing in my chest
For who knows how long...
Though it's a whisper tinier
Than a drop of evening fog

Toward the darkness of frozen stars
A spinning prayer
May it reach to your distant skies..."

I'd like to meet:

Chris Jericho
Rey Mysterio
Eddie Gurerro
Dave Batista
Drew Berrimore
Sandra Bullock


I love all sorts of music besides Blue Grass, Emo and really really heavy stuff. Of course there're odds and ins that get on my nerves from other genres too but I basically like at least one thing from everything else.




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To My J-Bear
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Almost anything Sandra Bullock
Almost anything Drew Berrimore
Harry Potter and the (insert title here)
Most everyting I have stocked in my movies spot


I watch a lot of it when I'm not playing some RPG or Soul Calibur III.

Things I watch:
Family Guy
American Dad
Nanny 911
Fullmetal Alchemist
Inu Yasha
and other things I can't think of.


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Whatever Comes Next


Jesus - Number one of them all not including God. Jesus was an amazing man and I aspire to be at least a little like him through my life.

My Fiance - He gives me a lot of strength. He may not be perfect, and we don't always see eye to eye..and even yell at each other sometimes, but the truth is if I didn't have him around I doubt I'd stand up to people when they walk all over me.

My Baby Sister - Sure she can be hard headed, but she listens more than any teenager I ever knew, better than I did when I was younger. Of course I didn't have much to listen to but a bunch of contradictions..but anyway. I'm very proud of this girl, she may make mistakes but hey, hers don't compare to the mistakes others make. Good going Booger.

My Blog

KABOOM! I am Democrat!

Hello All,I read something today on someone's profile that really bothered me. It spoke about Democrats and how they're evil and gonna get what's coming to them. Saying they hate all Democrats. The ba...
Posted by Eversong on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 03:42:00 PST

Attention WoW Players

(Attention WoW Players): I have recently found home on the currently new server Exodar. It was created for the expansion's release. I'm there on Horde side currently playing as a Blood Elf named Evers...
Posted by Eversong on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 10:07:00 PST

Another Smoking Rant Anyway

Ok people know how I feel about this, I'm not going into that again. You know if you smoke around me that displays the concern you have for my health at all. Your "need" for a cigarrette is an illusio...
Posted by Eversong on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 10:07:00 PST

WoW Characters

I'm getting comments for posting up female characters, lol. Well yes, they are female and yes I do play them? Why do I play them? If you've looked at the male characters on World of Warcraft most of t...
Posted by Eversong on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 04:16:00 PST


Just a few more days til my Birthday. Again I don't think many family cares. My grandma's probably sitting back thinking of a way to ruin it. A certain Aunt and Uncle probably grumbling about how I do...
Posted by Eversong on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 12:13:00 PST

A Message to the Dollar General Nark(I know who you are)

Ok well to start off I'll be explaining something. I posted something in MY blog, MY PERSONAL blog, recently. Someone I WORK WITH, went to my boss about it. First of all, my personal blog has NO BUSIN...
Posted by Eversong on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 03:49:00 PST

So Many Problems

I woke up this morning with a really bad headache. I was gonna go into work anyway but then I heard my mom yelling about our DSL connection and Verizon. Instantly I felt stress piling cause I knew I w...
Posted by Eversong on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 11:33:00 PST

Update on my Profile

Before I get into my profile this is for the nosey people out in Bedford who seem to be reporting to my father. I am 22 years old, and yes I may still live with my mother and help her with bills as we...
Posted by Eversong on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 12:15:00 PST


Girl: Slow down, I'm scared. Guy: No, this is fun. Girl: No it's not. Please it's too scary! Guy: Then tell me you love me. Girl: Fine I love you. Slow down! Guy: Now give me a BIG hug. Girl hug...
Posted by Eversong on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 05:19:00 PST

Facts vs Addictive Wishes - Smokers

Ok I've been on the topic of smoking lately. My mom smokes, my cousin smokes now, my sister's boyfriend smokes, my step-dad smokes and I'm thinking..(and no..I don't mean to offend you but if you want...
Posted by Eversong on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:36:00 PST