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Soooo I'm Dana
Aol - iTrustHoes
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+She's super nice+ She talks to anyoneShe does pc4pc/w4w & all that Jazz!Look at her! - You Jock/Steal stuff- You're a fake/creep- You're old enough to be her parent CLICK ANYWHERE TO ADD! credit.
- I was forced to be here on on 11/14/95.
- Don't underestimate me.
- I'd swim the ocean for you if your close to me.
- I've been told I look depressed when I'm quiet?
- I'm a peace lover which for me mostly means I never "hate" people. Just dislike. I find argueing quite pointless because most of the time it doesn't get you anywhere. I try to treat everyone I first meet nicely. I'll never gang up/go after anyone, no matter what they've done because like I said about argueing, it doesn't get you anywhere, nothing is gained, and there's just no justice in it.
- I've given up on the word "different" just because if you think about it,
everyone is conforming.
- I can be a major bitch sometimes.
- I'm sorry. I don't mean it.
- Unless I say I do.
- I absolutely love stating my view on things so watch out if you get me going xD
- I'm more fun when I'm hyper.
- I think too much.
- I worry too much.
- I'm an inssecure person, but I manage.
- When I type "LMAO" I'm actually laughing.
- But my ass doesnt come off xP
- I don't give up easily.
- I'll never grow up completely.
- I don't like seeing people seriously upset, no matter who they are.
- In a sense, I'm like a human happy pill ahahah c:
- I'm a pessimist. Trust me, it shows sometimes.
- I love winter. A lot.
- Thunderstorms are fucking amazing.
- I crack my knuckles. A lot.
- I've been told I walk reallyyy fast.
- I love gorey movies.
- My music range is quite large. I put up a band list to show so.
- I hate my looks.
- I have a high tolerance.
- But a short temper.
- I can get serious when I need to be.
- Go talk shit and see if I care.
- I'm slightly competitive.
- I'll probably laugh if you say come or came.
- I'm petrified of planes.
- But I'm gonna live in London when I'm older.
- I love being creative.
- I'm left-handed.
- If I'm left completely alone for too long, I'll break down in tears because I always think I'm the last person on Earth.
- Trust me. It's seriously not a pretty sight.
- Meeting new bands at shows is fun.
- I never have and never will cut myself.
- I'm a guitar hero addict and I can truely say that I'd probably kick your ass.
- I'll always tell you the truth whether you like it or not.
- One of my main mottos is Forgive And Forget.
- I don't hold grudges.
- If I'm in a bad mood, small things set me off really easily.
- Spreading rumors just tells me that you're a pussy for not just saying it to the person's face.
- If I didn't say this already, I'm not afraid to speak my mind.
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