El Mundo al Revés
Ignacio Peña's debut album has 11 songs with lyrics based on personal experiences and reflections. The songs are mostly related to common people getting into different habits, starting with "En Español," a funny story about the use of that reference to promote products oriented to the Latin market in the U.S. A romantic "75% de Agua," is followed by 1960s-style ballad, "Un Retrato de la Luna" and "Puertos", written by Peña while waiting for a departure flight from the Miami International Airport. Inspired by fortune tellers promoting their "gift" on TV, "El Fongo Estelar" anticipates El Mundo Al Revés main title. After love related "Melissa" and "Por Si Acaso," the album comes to an end with the intimate and relaxed "Duérmete."allmusic.com
Release Date: October 10, 2000
Label: Universal Music Latino
Copyright: (C) 2000 Universal Music Latino
Total Length: 41:34
En Español
75% de Agua
Un Retrato de la Luna
Sin Vencer
El Fongo Estelar
El Mundo al Revés
MelissaPor Si AcasoMientras Espero el Fin del MundoDuérmete
Escuchalo aqui:
http://new.music.yahoo.com/ignacio-pena/albums/mundo-al-reve s--7334872
Digital: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum? id=102930&s=143441
What the press said:
In 2001 Ignacio Peña released his debut album, "El Mundo Al Reves" (Universal Latino).This album earned him rave reviews from the critics:
" Singer/songwriter Ignacio Peña's first outing, on Universal, is a lovely collection of pop tracks that evoke everything from Eric Clapton to Oasis.
Thanks to thoughtful, well-written lyrics that never fall into triteness, this manages to be an album without a single throwaway track."
Billboard Magazine
" A debut record that sets precedents " En Español" - track that opens the CD - and evokes the days past of Argentian Rock and English Pop."
People En Español
"Considering that most Latin pop and rock albums nowadays suffer from overwhelming cheesiness, El Mundo Al Reves is a promise for better things to come".
The Miami Herald
"Mr. Peña crafts sly pop-rock tunes brimming with meaty hooks, guitar riffs and clever lyrics. "
The Dallas Morning News
What the fans said:
"Con paso firme Ignacio Peña"
Mucho pero que mucho talento es lo que describe a Ignacio Peña y su Mundo al Revés... desde lo escuché por primera vez cuando subió a tarima me di cuenta que este joven tiene brillantez e inteligencia para escribir sus canciones y para interprentarlas. Pero esto lo reafrimé cuando escuché a plenitud su disco y me enchulé de "Mientras espero el fin del Mundo". Le veo mucho futuro a Ignacio y le deseo grandes éxitos, porque estoy segura que apenas comienza una vida llena de triunfos, y para quién esté indeciso, puede comprar este disco a ojos cerrados porque vale la pena, desde "75% de agua" hasta "Duérmete" es un trabajo de completa calidad... ¡Adelante siempre Ignacio!
Jennifer (Ponce, Puerto Rico)
.."An interpreter to love...."
The lyrics, the music, his voice...everything on this CD is EXTRAORDINARY!!!! Since the first time I heard a song by Ignacio on the radio (a demo) I was hooked. If you understand spanish you will be touched by the lyrycs from the first song on the cd through the last one. IMPRESIVE!!! And the music??? Just one word: WOW!!!! Very tastefull. PURE QUALITY. And wait until you got the chance to see him performing live: WONDERFUL!!!! I'll give Ignacio and his "Mundo al Reves" 10 STARS!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------- Las letras, la música, su voz...todo en este CD es EXTRAORDINARIO!!!! desde la primera vez que escuche una canción de Ignacio en la radio (un demo) quede enganchada. Las letras te llegaran al alma desde la primera canción hasta la última. IMPRESIONANTE!!! Y la música??? Solo una palabra: WOW!!!! PURA CALIDAD. Y esperen a que tengan la oportunidad de verlo tocar en vivo: MARAVILLOSO!!!! Yo le darÃa a Ignacio y su "Mundo al Revés" 10 ESTRELLAS!!!!!!!!" Lizette (Humacao, Puerto Rico)
.."A Puertorican Beatle"
"I listened to Ignacio Pena's album El Mundo al Reves with much pleasure. His smooth yet distinctive voice, poetic lyrics and gorgeous melodies make this the most highly original album to have come from the extremely musical island of Puerto Rico. Ignacio has taken chances on his music, as opposed to following the crowd of salseros and merengeros. His music shows influences of the Beatles in it's tunefulness and complexity and also in it's sense of fun. He also shows true and honest emotion in every song - a rarity in the music world today. Whoever the woman is he is singing to in the love songs, she is a very lucky woman! Even my five year old daughter is in lovi kne with his voice. We just hope to see him perform live when we go to Puerto Rico in the Spring! Felicidades, Ignacio!"
L. Parker (London United Kingdom) amazon.com
"Si una palabra puede describir este álbum es simplicidad. Ignacio Peña, compositor de todas las canciones, pone a prueba lo aprendido en sus estudios en Berklee y expresa lo que siente y piensa con letras y arreglos sencillos, sin muchas vueltas. De las 11 canciones que incluye esta producción, 75% de agua es el primer sencillo, donde la guitarra acústica juega un papel importante y donde un coro pegajoso es la clave para convertirlo en éxito. A su vez, Un retrato de la luna, segundo sencillo, es una balada que puede ser considerada pop, pero se aleja de lo que hemos estado escuchando en la radio en los últimos dos años, recordándonos al pop rock de finales de los 80. Por otra parte, En Español, que vendrÃa siendo el tercer sencillo es una expresión del orgullo de ser latino, aunque el nacimiento de la misma no haya sido del todo "normal". Se debe poner mucho ojo a este artista que va a llegar muy lejos con un disco fácil de escuchar pero que se deja disfrutar." angelitoazul (Panama) amazon.com
Three years later, after touring throughout Latin America and the USA, having shared festival stages with the likes of Oasis, Eric Clapton, and Roger Waters, among others, Ignacio returned with his sophomore release "Anormal" (Hearsay Records Ltd.).
The record clearly showed Ignacio's evolution as an artist and songwriter plus the musical cohesiveness between his fellow band members that only comes from touring and playing together for 3 years.
In March 2005, the song “Only End up Lonely†won the iTunes Jukebox Jury which was held at the South by Southwest Music Conference in Austin, Texas.
“Austin’s annual South by Southwest Music and Media Conference is one of the largest showcases of live music anywhere in the world. iTunes and South by Southwest collected music industry professionals, conference attendees and a large box of demos in one room for the jukebox jury. The audience and the experts voted electronically using MS Interactive’s Perception Analyzer and San Juan, Puerto Rico’s Ignacio Peña garnered the highest score…†-iTunes Music Store-
Ignacio and the band relocated to Austin in 2006.
Changed their name to Bletzung, and released the winning song as their first single.
Within a few months, Bletzung played in an excess of 50 shows at the most important and respected clubs and festivals in the Midwest and West Coast including Antones (Austin), Key Club (Los Angeles), The Emergenza Festival and an appearance with Bryan Adams in their native Puerto Rico.
At the same time the video for “Lonelyâ€, produced and edited by the band itself, debuted on Austin's own ME Television where it jumped straight to number one on the network's Top Ten videos on the Sonido Boombox show.
At the same time, "Lonely" received airplay on Austin's classic rock radio station, 93.7FM KLBJ, and the newly launched Los Angeles station AM 1580 Indie Mix.
Other TV appearances in FOX News and LATV followed and later that year, the song “Let Go†was included in Disc Makers’ “Independent Music World Series†compilation which showcases the top 15 acts from the Midwest as selected by Billboard Magazine and Taxi (the website)