~~*~~"Punk is musical freedom. It's saying, doing and playing what you want. In Webster's terms, nirvana means freedom from pain, suffering and the external world, and that's pretty close to my definition of punk rock." Kurt Cobain (R.I.P.)~~*~~
Bright Blessings... my name is LoRi, but I prefer Twilight Jewel, or Twilight, or even Teej for short.
I am hugely addicted to SILVERCHAIR
I have a thing for Australia... ever since I was a wee little girl... I even have the country tattooed on me...
I am a sun sign CAPRICORN with a Taurus Moon and a Leo Rising
I love the Japanese language. Hirigana, Katakana, and Kanji are beautiful. The culture is admirable too.
I speak American. My attempts at speaking English have failed me.
I know some German, Japanese, and Sign Language... most of it with the help of a dictionary...
I am into astrology and astronomy.
I am MARRIED... Be jealous. And, yes that means I am NOT interested in you...
I attempt to play bass and acoustic guitar. I live and breathe for music. MUSIC = LIFE.
I LOVE to WRITE POETRY, and I have quite a collection, and my biggest dream is to get it published one day.
I would dress more Goth if I could afford it
I love vintage vehicles and monster trucks and extreme sports.
Welp, I think Chris Joannou and Ben Gillies look delcious. (and this is the part where I shut up)...
I have a 4 year old son, who is my little punk*rocker. And Pennywise and Rise Against are his favourite.
I love to deny bands who want me to be their friend
Ich liebe Silberstuhl.
If you want to know anything else, well then I guess you would be forced to ask me or talk to me now wouldn't you? Careful, I bite. Blessed Be.
Back in High school i was asked "Teej, how do you feel that yer fave band, silverchair, made yer theme song?" in reference to "freak"
Katie says: "you are so rock n roll!"
Teela says I am a: total punk glam rock sweetheart
Heather says: girls+punk rawk music= perfection
Jen says: "I kinda think you look like Amy from Evanescence... you're who she reminded me of when I first saw her."