My Family. My Love. Basketball. Writing. Sunsets. Beauty (however it may present itself). Water. My Friends. People (all of you). And of Course Girls...girls....and more girls
Music Video: CHANGE (by Tracy Chapman)
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Wow....I love music!! It's been my saving grace. I guess each type of music has a song with a story that I can relate to from gospel to rap and everything in between. It's difficult to say who my favorites are because I'm always willing to be introduced to new artists, therefore my favorites are always changing.Napoleon Dynamite, Super Troopers, Joe Dirt, Anchorman, Empire Records, If These Walls Could Talk 2, In Love & Basketball, Basketball Diaries, Hoosiers, and a whole lot more.
NCIS, Law & Order SVU, The Office, and The L Word.
My favorite book so far is John Grisham's "A Painted House"......
This is a tuff one, but for reals I have to go with my Sis......there is more to her than most people see/know and I feel lucky to have her as one of my best friends as well as being my sis.....Aside from my Sis, i've got to go with the entire population that I work with. If you know what I do then hopefully you understand. If not, then spend a day at work with me and you'll know what I'm talking about. Oh...and Chuck Norris