i love to just have fun...*love reading nice books and senseful ones
=)*ilove playing *volleyball,*swimming,*malling,*shopping,*movies,*friends
The word "karma" comes from an old Sanskrit word for "action".
Physical Laws like gravity have a BALANCING effect; so that when
a force is exerted it is always balanced by an equal & opposing
action. Spiritual Laws operate in a similar way; and the Law of
Karma is one of them. Karma is only an impersonal effect which
BALANCES things -- it does NOT seek to punish or reward even if
at times people see it that way. Karmic LESSONS are your guide &
your "feedback" -- whose effects are TO HELP YOU LEARN AND GROW.
You cannot believe in Justice unless laws are seen to be fair
& consistent & applied equally & impartially to all. So too you
cannot have FAITH in the karmic LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT...unless
it is always seen to be fair & consistent & applied universally
& impersonally. Finding a FAITH in a BENEVOLENT Universe -- and
is how you learn to give up your illusions of "luck" or the blind
belief in yourself or in the man made rules of a religious sect.
Learning the workings of this spiritual Law of Cause & Effect
-- that we reap what we sow or receive what we give out -- can
be best learned in this lifetime through experiences in the areas
of life mentioned below. You'll learn that there is no Luck; but
that what you give freely & generously to others will EVENTUAL-
LY return to bless you. You'll learn that real happiness cannot
be achieved without working for it; and that positive thoughts &
emotions & deeds create positive results at some time EVERY time.
You'll be learning important lessons about the LAW OF CAUSE &
EFFECT (what you give out you'll get back...good or bad) in this
lifetime. You'll learn through situations concerning...(1) your
MATERIAL RESOURCES...where you need to develop faith in your
ability to attract what you NEED when you need it; (2) VALUES...
where you need to learn to trust your conscience and live by your
own ETHICAL and MORAL VALUES; (3) TASTES & TALENTS...where you
need to have FAITH in your own talents and TRUST in your taste.
everyone who makes sense,evEryone i KnoW.. anyone who knows me too..
all types of music i can relate to....*["]*
sEreNdipiTy,CrazY|BeaUtifuL,finDinG nEmo,Lilo&sTitcH,VanillA sKy,what Women WantS, miNoriTy ReporT,MaTrIX123,2 fast2furious,sWEEt novemBer, Message in A bottLe,A beaUtifuL miNd,THE gruDge!!!,50 1st dates,Gothika,spiderMan,Unfaithful,The Virgin Suicide,Iam Sam,etc****
studio23*[fAsHiOn TV](LIFEstyle network) *hbo*myx*mtv*espn *starmovies*mr.bean*axn*
magS*metro*cosmo*seventeen*mega,*metro*chiCkeN soUp for the sOUl,*Say Hello To Courtship[many pa]
*[EyE LiNersS&MaScArA]*