My name is Chuck Leveranz and I have designed Four Machines and Two designs to allow the Fourth to work that are truely the next generation in the generation of Electricity.They are Affordible,Efficient,Recycable, and Renewable! and no Emissions!
The second Machine is the most interresting. it acts as a standalone unit and puts current back into the grid,it can take the place of the "Field" generator.A Farm of these units can allow a Fusion Reactor to turn on and stay on,could be Fusions missing Component...The second Machine can also power Blimps,Ships, Trains, Trucks, and even Cars for up to two months in an operating "On" State(performing work) for at least two months for about $50 per unit.A Ship would require a few more Units.Testing would be quik,theres not a lot to this.First incepted in 1983 it has taken this long to design this from the size of a 300 foot cubed Building to less than the size of a small Bedroom.It would work subpurbly with Smart House technology.Appliences could tell the unit how much power it needs and it performs accordingly.When not in use it puts power back into the "grid".It can power electric Motors for Prop Plains and makes the electric Jet a possibility.
The Challenge1. Get the patent offices of the world to ignore patent applications for the machines,no cartells.2. I will share the profit from these machines with you,50-50.I do have a minimum number in mind.3.See for yourself how these machines can get exsisting technology to an altitude of 10k feet and seperate gases like we do on the ground for various industries.4.Produce a television show where I explain how the machines work. This way no one part of the world controls it.Why You Richard Branson?
You seem to be the most influential Businessman in the World when it comes to Global Warming and the Energy Crises.You Yourself once said the next main Source of power will be a Machine no one is expecting,You got that right! Besides, I'm not much of a Business minded Person and will probably sell it to the wrong Country.
looking forward to meeting You,the Challenge to Myself?
I've alresdy designed our main source of Power for the Future! I'm underclass and historically the underclass has brought about great change,I ask that you help me bring about the first great change of this millenium.The entire Planet,not just the United States needs these really bad.Should make for many entry level, blue collar, assembly line jobs!
Chuck Leveranz
My Interests
Biking, Cooking, Gardening, Hiking
I'd like to meet:
Could spend years on this list.
Bach to Rock
Forbidden Planet, Road Warrior
House, Bones, CSI, PBS
The End of the Dream, Chekov's "The Bet"
My Blog
simple machines of the new mellenium
There is no reason for Iran or any other Country to have a Fission program. My Machines can stop Atmosphereic Emmissions now.They create new Industries now.They create Jobs now.They create Emmisions f... Posted by LeveranztoBranson on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 09:40:00 PST